Title: Rosemary
Fandom: Princess Tutu
Pairing: Mytho/Rue
Summary: Rue struggles with the role of Giselle, as the story she's lived for so long begins to unravel.
Rating: PG/K+
Warning[s]: Um...it's very long? And very angsty. Oh boy, is it angsty.
Disclaimer: I don't own Princess Tutu (it owns me).
Notes: This story is set in the time leading up to and
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I used to be able to write like this, with so much glorious introspection. But some time ago I lost it and have never been able to fully recapture it; I can only write with much smaller bursts of introspection now.
Well, introspection is very fun to write, but I wish sometimes that I could learn to move a plot along quickly too - or even have a real plot, for that matter! XD There's nothing wrong with being a balanced writer. That said, I totally understand your frustration - it's always hard to look at old work and not being able to write in the same style anymore (my style has changed quite a bit since I first started writing fanfiction) or recapture the old magic. But it must be part of maturing as an author, picking up new skills while old ones fade, and so on - that's what I like to believe!
Every scene is a delight. I eagerly read each one and looked forward to what would be touched upon next.
This comment was especially pleasing to read, and such a relief too, because my major worry when writing this was that it was too long, and that readers might get bored. That's why it was so wonderful to read your reaction; it was the response I was most hoping for, but didn't think I could realistically get. You have no idea how happy I am knowing that you enjoyed every scene! Thank you so much!
The scene where Rue and Mytho dance and he takes her to the stream is lovely. And then the full force of it hits when you realize what Rue realized: that Mytho would do the same for anyone.
The part where the raven takes the rosemary is very chilling, particularly when it looks so deeply into Rue that she can't bring herself to do anything against it.
Your Ahiru is absolutely adorable! And you got her deeper insights too, which is awesome.
I really like Fakir's part too. Rue comparing him to Hilarion was chilling. There's so much amazing symbolism throughout this piece.
It's amazing, you picked so many of my own favourite scenes (the ones I enjoyed writing most, and feel proudest of) in this story too! That's awesome. ^_^ And you picked up on so many details I was hoping readers would notice! It's fantastic to hear appreciation of the symbolism too, and the Giselle info, the ballet roles, and so on. It's so cool that it all interested you as much as it did me while writing! It's also really great to know you like how I wrote Duck too. That makes me happy! I'm so pleased by the feedback I've been getting about that particular scene, because she's a great character and so much fun to write.
I absolutely adore all the insight into Giselle and Myrtha and how it culminated during the climatic dance when Rue realizes the roles are reversed. Wow. The whole story seemed to be leading up to that revelation and it made a very poignant impact.
Thank you! I really loved the symbolism and imagery of the original ballet (and PT itself too), and it was great fun to try infusing all that enthusiasm and interest into this story. It's so rewarding to hear that you got it and liked it. I mean, just because I love something doesn't mean it enriches the story for everyone else, right? But it's brilliant to get such kind feedback and appreciation, and to hear how much you enjoyed the Giselle insights while reading gives such a good feeling.
Anyway, thank you very much for leaving such detailed feedback; I really appreciate it. I'm so glad you enjoyed my story so much, and thank you for leaving such a great review!
(PS: Autor love FTW!)
Eee, I'm glad you enjoyed my review so much! I puzzled over what things to highlight in it, since I wanted to talk about so many aspects.
**nods.** Yeah, I have to hope I'm improving my style. I do know I used to do a lot of unnecessary introspection, which I've tried to cut out. But I usually end up feeling like I should have written necessary introspection and didn't, LOL.
I always worry if I'll bore people when I churn out long fics too. XD; I just did one that ended up 13,471 words. **falls over.**
It always thrills me to read fics where Ahiru is portrayed as having deep insights, especially all while being so adorably sweet and innocent. I love her so much.
It's tough sometimes to get that balance between deep introspection and character-insight and keeping the story moving, isn't it? I guess it's all a part of learning though. XD
And again, I'm so happy you liked my characterization of Duck! She's such a brilliant and lovable character for many reasons, but one of them definitely has to be her mixture of open innocence and her understanding and deep insights into people's feelings. It's definitely a part of her character that needs to be given justice!
Thank you again for your kind wonderful feedback!
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