"Blood or Family" Master List

Aug 27, 2012 03:03

TITLE: Blood or Family

Author: emeraldphoenix23 [click here for her FFN profile]
Story Status: WIP

Fandoms: Twilight and Supernatural
Rating: M
Genre:  Hurt/Comfort, Family, Romance, Angst, Drama, some Supernatural

Characters: Bella Winchester (Hayden Panettiere), Sam and Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Cullens (and any major character in the SPN-universe plus a few from the Twilight-universe)
Primary POV: First-Person
Pairings: Bella/Edward

Summary: Bella is the younger sister of Dean and Sam. The Cullen's and the pack are well aware of her past and who her family is, but it doesn't affect their relationship. So what happens when John, Dean, Sam, Jo, Ellen, and Bobby come to Forks for Bella's graduation. Will they find out that in their eyes Bella has betrayed them and if so can they accept her choice? Or will Bella have to choose between her blood or her new family? Nothing like a graduation to bring everyone together and for secrets to be revealed.


Supernatural (AU - John and Azazel are still alive, Harvelles are acquainted with the Winchesters)
Twilight (set in the Eclipse mindset of graduation and Victoria looming around)

Spoilers: EVERYTHING is fair-game.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or Supernatural. They belong to their respective owners (I thank them for creating them in the first place).

[Story Promo Picture]
[Preface] [1] [Author's Note] [2] [3] [4] [5] [Author's Note] [6] [7]



character: sam winchester, character: bella swan, crossover: supernatural/twilight, character: bobby singer, character: edward cullen, character: dean winchester, fanfiction, fandom: supernatural, ffn author: emeraldphoenix23, fandom: twilight, crossover stories

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