A Long Overdue FFN Story Update!

May 31, 2012 16:40

Time for a status update post!!

So today is Eric Christian Olsen's birthday  and to celebrate that fact, I updated "Broken Bonds" and while doing so, I figured I should update the list but I realized only 3 stories would be getting new links so I'll only include those ones.

Anyways, here's the updated list (it won't seem like much of a change there are some).

"A Journey To Find A Lost Soul" (VD/LWD)
Ch. 5 -- POSTED *new Dec. 8*
Ch. 6 -- POSTED *new Jan. 9*
Ch. 7 -- POSTED *new May 7*
Ch. 8 -- in progress (slowly)

"Broken Bonds" (SPN/NCIS:LA)
Prologue -- POSTED *new Feb. 29*
Ch. 1 -- POSTED *new Apr. 10*
Ch. 2 -- POSTED *new May 1*
Ch. 3 -- POSTED *new May 4*
Ch. 4 -- POSTED *new May 8*
Ch. 5 -- POSTED *new May 15*
Ch. 6 -- POSTED *new May 25*
Ch. 7 -- POSTED *new May 31*
Ch. 8 -- completed
Ch. 9 -- in progress (slowly)

"Transitional Thoughts" (VD 3x22 Oneshot) *new May 11* -- POSTED

Heads up!

So I'm about halfway through my summer semester of school which means that a lot of evalutations are due so my time will either be consumed by completing those or finishing off the required readings I need for my two courses. While I wish to lose myself in my writing and get a few more chapters written for everyone, I can't without feeling guilty because of my increasing homework.

show: ncis los angeles, summer school, fandom: vampire diaries, author note, fandom: ncis la, fanfiction, fandom: supernatural, updates, show: supernatural, crossover stories, studying, show: vampire diaries

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