I'm sad to learn that "The Finder" has been cancelled by FOX after only 13 episodes. That's a shame there will be no more new episodes because it had such interesting characters and its own unique way of doing things when it came to uncovering different mysteries.
So to brighten my mood...I'm going to watch the season finales now. =D
*My initial reactions and thoughts mostly as I watch**
"Vampire Diaries" - ep. 3x22 ("The Departed")
- We start off the episode with a flashback!!!
- Flashback shows Elena in a very good mood when she wakes up
- Present!Elena wakes up in the hospital due to a slight concussion (that is what Dr. Fell tells Jeremy)
- Jeremy calls the Salvatore brothers (who berate him)
- "Do you know how much I appreciate that you're not the dumbest brother out there." - Damon to Stefan (or something along those lines *smirks*)
- Credits show Rebekah and Elijah returning
- Dr. Fell finds Evil!Alaric in her office
- Evil!Alaric finds Elena gone
- Alaric has Carol and Liz revoked of their titles and he's going to do the same to Dr. Fell
- Caroline tends to Elena while Matt and Tyler search the Gilbert house
- Elena remembers her time as a cheerleader
- Bonfire is the night of the accident (family night was supposed to happen because Jenna was in town)
- Elena wasn't into Matt during that flashback
- WEBCLIP #1 -- Elena wakes up to Matt and she apologizes -- Stefan returns (while Damon continues on with Klaus' body)
- Jeremy grabs dinner at the Grill -- Evil!Alaric runs interference
- Elena doesn't like being coddled (Matt and Stefan make her dinner)
- The topic of free will comes up
- Elijah returns!!!!
- Evil!Alaric wants Jeremy to tell him where they hid Klaus' body (he discusses his plan of ridding the world of vampires)
- Elijah plans on separating the stake from Alaric
- Elijah wants Klaus' body (he promises that he won't revive Klaus as long as Elena and her descendents are alive)
- Damon's on the phone in this negotiation with Elijah!! (I love his reaction!!)
- "He's my brother, we remain together." -Elijah
- Tyler and Caroline go see their mothers (they get informed that the town knows about them being vampires) and are told to flee town or they will be slaughtered by the council
- Jeremy and Matt talk about what to do (they want to get Elena out of Mystic Falls)
- Matt gives Jeremy the location of Klaus' body (he calls Alaric while in front of the others...he lied to the vampire hunter)
- COMMERCIAL -- apparently my dad brought an interesting thought to me...if Elena has to die to kill Evil!Alaric that means turning her into a vampire isn't an option since she will immediately die afterwards if he were the one to turn her (assuming that he's killed all the other Originals)
- Forwood debate about leaving town
- Caroline would gladly run with Tyler but she has to help her friends first
- WEBCLIP #2 -- Damon and Bonnie head to where Damon hid Klaus' body (I love his rant about Elena)
- Did Bonnie just acknowledge that the Salvatores were her friends too (or was that solely for Caroline and Tyler?)
- Stefan promises to Elena that he will do everything in his power to bring everyone back alive
- Was Elena going to voice her choice?
- Stefan kiss Elena (in a way that Damon had done in 3x10 but Damon did it better)
- Damon calls Stefan -- Damon waits for Rebekah to come pick Klaus' body up
- Damon gets put into a stranglehold by Evil!Alaric
- Matt is still keeping Elena company -- she tells him about Stefan saving her the night of the accident
- "When I'm with him, it just consumes me." -Elena about Damon
- Elena wishes that she still had her mom with her (for her advice)
- Flashback -- bonfire (Elena calls for a pickup) -- Elena/Miranda talk (Elena doesn't want to lose Matt but Miranda tells her that she won't, that she will only set him free)
- Elena wakes up in the truck with Matt (he had drugged her tea) -- he's getting her out of town as its the only way to keep her save
- Evil!Alaric checks the storage units
- Rebekah arrives in search of Damon (he first her before Evil!Alaric does)
- Damon and Rebekah try to make a run for it with Klaus' body
- Evil!Alaric stakes Klaus' body (Only 3 Originals remain)
- Rebekah goes hysterical while Damon holds her back!
- Damon tells Rebekah to run (she does) as he distracts Rebekah!
- COMMERCIAL -- I just realized that Tyler is now going to die because Klaus was staked *pout* (Caroline loses both of her love interests)
- Damon delivers the bad news to Stefan about Klaus
- Damon realizes that he won't be back in time to say goodbye to Damon (since he's more than an hour away from her)
- Matt tells Elena that Damon isn't with the others...he tells her that he can either drive to Damon or he could turn back to drive them to Stefan
- Elena calls Damon
- Elena tells Damon that Matt is taking her back home...to Stefan, to Caroline, to Tyler (NO!!!!)
- Who would get the goodbye if it were just Damon and Stefan? That's Damon's question to Elena
- "I care about you Damon which is why I have to let you go." -Elena to Damon
- Elena insinuates that if she had met Damon first then maybe something would have happened
- Damon ends his call with Elena only to come face to face with Evil!Alaric
- Caroline is frantic to get to Tyler (she told him about Klaus while sobbing)
- Tyler gives an amazing goodbye speech (about her having a full life ahead of her) before he experiences the symptoms (Caroline doesn't feel anything different)
- COMMERCIAL -- *sigh* Not only do we lose Joseph Morgan but it looks like we lose Michael Trevino too *pout*
- Elena is on the phone with Caroline -- Elena and Matt learn about Tyler (Matt doesn't take it too well)
- Rebekah seeks comfort in Elijah's arms (in the woods)
- Rebekah is sure that Klaus was the sire of the gang's vampire bloodline but they are stumped about why they are still alive
- OMFG!!!! Klaus' spirit was transferred into Tyler's body! (Bonnie's work!)
- Rebekah calls Stefan to tell her that all the Originals will be after Elena (so that they could get rid of Evil!Alaric
- Matt and Elena end up driving over Wickery Bridge (present and past accidents merge in Elena's mind)
- Evil!Alaric continues to beat on Damon
- Damon flashes back to when he first meets Elena (when she gets off the phone with her mom)
- ELENA MET DAMON FIRST!!!! (He gave a genuine smile/laugh to Elena!) **FYI this is the only time in the episode we see Delena sharing the screen together**
- "You want a love that consumes you; you want passion, an adventure and even a little danger." -Damon to Elena
- Damon compels Elena to get what she's looking for and to forget that she met him right before her parents beat her up
- Damon fights back against Alaric
- Two car accident scenes overlap -- Stefan saves Elena once again (I had to hold back tears when Elena & Grayson had that hand holding moment before she passed out...the music mood makes it difficult)
- Elena tells Stefan to save Matt first -- she dies in the process
- Evil!Alaric gets weak as he fights Damon which means that Elena is dying (Elena is torn up about the though of Alaric being dead in his arms)
- Jeremy sees Alaric's ghost (he wanted to say goodbye)
- Jeremy comes to the shocking turn that Elena is dead
- Damon is furious when he arrives at the hospital but that's when he learns that Dr. Fell had given Elena vampire blood when she was emitted (she had more than a concussion as her brain was bleeding too much)
- ELENA wakes up in transition!!!! (Evil cliffhanger!)
- Who's blood was used to turn Elena? Was it Damon's?
- With Elena in transition, all the compulsion that Damon used on her will be broken....she will know the pre-accident compulsion (the one we saw today) and the 2x08 love confession!! Will those influence her true decision when it comes to the brothers?
- Is Klaus still a threat while in Tyler's body? Was Klaus' spirit still 'alive' is why the rest of them are too?
- Is Tyler's spirit trapped in his body while Klaus takes control?
- It looks like the Petrova line truly ends with Elena
- The person behind the Darkness was supposed to be reveal this episode...did I miss it or something?
- While I'm glad that Elena is alive as a vampire, I kind of feel like that just voided the whole season where their main focus was to keep Elena alive AND human, I mean if Elena had just turned into a vampire after the ritual in 2x21 then none of the problems of season 3 would really be an issue in a way.
- I just realized that Ian/Nina broke their finale kiss tradition!!! Season 1 had a Damon/Katherine kiss and Season 2 had a Damon/Elena kiss and yet season 3.....nada -_-
- Another Observation during the 2nd time: when Tyler was giving that goodbye, inspirational speech to Caroline, did he know what Bonnie had done (when it came to Klaus)? Did Tyler agree to let Bonnie transfer Klaus' spirit into Tyler? He did say he was a lost cause...could he be referring to that?
- Even though I knew that Alaric had to leave in someway due to Matt Davis having that lead role on another CW show, it still shocked me when Evil!Alaric was killed
"Secret Circle" - ep. 1x22
- Diana goes off with Grant
- Eben has Faye
- The rest of the circle try to figure out a way to get Faye back
- Eben wants one crystal (so that the crystal skull couldn't be formed) in exchange for Faye
- Charles tells Dawn about Amelia haunting him (Dawn tells him that it was John's plan to break the Meades up)
- Cassie and Diana meet up with John
- Adam, Melissa and Jake go to the meet site of the exchange with Eben
- Creating the skull means breaking the circle's bond
- After some disagreement, Diana and Cassie do the unbinding ritual that creates the crystal skull
- Adam, Jake and Melissa experience the unbinding within them
- Jake is insistent on seeing if Faye is alright
- Faye gets free due to her solo magic returning (which she is loving)
- Faye has a little fun with a witch hunter that took her phone
- Charles' mother returns
- Faye gets a call out to Dawn about her situation (Faye gets attached during mid call)
- Charles' mom reveals that their powers were destroyed once they were stripped -- she offers to give hers to them instead
- The Crystal Skull appears -- Cassie grabs it while it's still forming
- Diana is not liking how Cassie is reacting to the crystal skull
- Melissa can't get a hold of Cassie or Diana
- Jake and Melissa head inside to get Faye while Adam goes back for Cassie and Diana
- Cassie seems obsessed with the crystal skull (but is that their ploy?)
- John does something to get Cassie and Diana onto his side
- Charles tells his mother that Diana isn't biologically his (she had supposed it)
- Charles has a way to stop Eben but he needs his mom's help to do it
- WEBCLIP -- Jake and Melissa find Faye -- Jake kisses Faye
- Eben gets a hold of Jake, Melissa and Faye
- Cassie and Diana wake up in a sealed circle
- Jake, Melissa and Faye are tied up like John was 16 years ago
- Eben sets the circle surrounding them on fire (and everything else around it)
- Charles and Dawn arrive at the boat when smoke starts to form
- Charles starts to exorcize the demon from Eben as Dawn circles around back
- Dawn stops the fire and breaks the three teenagers free
- Charles takes in the demons
- Jake stabs Eben in the heart (to avenge his family) which gives Charles the chance to escape
- Cassie and Diana put John's plan together (he sent his circle to slaughter so that it left their children to being broken and vulnerable)
- Charles tells Dawn to tell Diana that he loves her before he dives into the water (he's going to drown the demons inside him)
- John reveals that the crystal skull is used to kill all witches with no Balcoin blood inside -- Dawn, Melissa and Faye feel the effects of it
- John wants to eliminate the weak witches
- John reveals that there are 4 MORE Balcoin children and they are coming to town to create a Balcoin circle
- Every witch is burning from the inside out (everyone is seen in this state)
- Cassie needs Diana's dark magic so she suffocates her so that Diana could tap into her dark magic
- Cassie uses her dark magic to reverse the skulls' magic...Diana bands with her and they kill John Blackwell
- COMMERCIAL -- wouldn't reversing the crystal skull mean that all Balcoins would burn instead? Why weren't Cassie and Diana experiencing the same reversal fate as John?
- The Circle from the ship arrive at Cassie's place
- Cassie makes a massive apology about getting the circle involved with John
- The circle needs to get rid of the crystal skull (Adam was the one voted to get rid of it personally)
- Rebinding of the circle was discussed
- Diana announces that she's leaving town (she wants to stay away from dark magic and being near Cassie isn't helping her in that quest)
- Jake offers to take Faye home -- real concern is shown
- Jake and Faye kiss again
- Diana has her bags packed as she waited for Grant
- MONTAGE begin
- Faye wants to celebrate being alive and having their solo magic back with Melissa
- Jake gets a letter from his Grandpa Royce about how his fight with the other circles isn't over
- Charles gets the same marking done that Amelia had placed on Heather (I think)
- Adam taps into the crystal skull's power
- Diana finds the Balcoin sigil carved into her hand (the one that John had) and Cassie has the same one too
- First appearance of the other 4 Balcoin witches (the sigil being the key indicators)
- QUESTION/OBSERVATION: This finale could easily be seen as a season finale (many new issues have appeared) or a series finale (major villains have been slain) but which one is it? Because last I checked, this show was "on the bubble".