I guess this will be my master list for all my fanfiction stories found on fanfiction.net (link to my profile on the side).
I'll try to keep this updated and with working links so that each one leads to a page that gives the basics of a story (rating, timeline, summary, pairings, required author notes, etc.)
If any of the story cover images catches your interest, the link for the master lists are below them. If the story covers look very similar, it means the associated stories are part of the same universe:
Challenge Collection:
"A Moment In Time" -- Multi-Fandom Challenge Collections of Oneshots (single fandoms or crossovers)
Master List]
"A Shot In The Right Direction" -- Dark Angel
Master List]
Status = ONESHOT
"A Moment In Time: It's Just The Beginning" -- Supernatural
Master List] -- connected to the challenge's master list (will have it's own later)
Status = ONESHOT
"Transitional Thoughts" -- Vampire Diaries (TV series)
Master List]
Status = Complete (2 Chapters)
"A Moment In Time: Damon's Revenge" -- Vampire Diaries (TV series)
Master List] -- connected to the challenge's master list (will have it's own later)
Status = ONESHOT
"A Moment In Time: Team Effort" -- Vampire Diaries (TV series)
Master List] -- connected to the challenge's master list (will have it's own later)
Status = ONESHOT
"Reusing Rituals" -- Supernatural
Master List]
Status = ONESHOT
"A Life I Thought Would Never Return" -- Supernatural/Dark Angel/Twilight Crossover
"A Life I Thought Would Never Return: Dean's Past" -- Supernatural/Dark Angel/Twilight Crossover
"A Life I Thought Would Never Return" Universe Master List]
Credit Video]
Status = temporary hiatus
"A Past That Can't Be Buried" -- Dark Angel/Life With Derek Crossover
Master List]
Status = temporary hiatus
"Battle Scars" -- Supernatural/Twilight Crossover
Master List]
Status = temporary hiatus
"I Wish I Never Left" -- Supernatural/Twilight Crossover
Master List]
Status = temporary hiatus
"Second Chances" -- Supernatural/Life With Derek Crossover
"Second Chances: Outtakes" -- Supernatural/Life With Derek Crossover
"Second Chances" Universe Master List]
Status = WIP
"Calling in a Favor" -- Supernatural/Nikita Crossover
Master List]
Status = temporary hiatus
"I Miss Being Human" -- Vampire Diaries/Life With Derek Crossover
Master List]
Status = ONESHOT
"A Journey To Find A Lost Soul" -- Vampire Diaries/Life With Derek Crossover
Master List]
Status = WIP
"A Moment In Time: Unattached Drifter Christmas" -- Supernatural/NCIS: Los Angeles
Master List]
Status = ONESHOT
"Unfinished Business" -- Supernatural/NCIS: Los Angeles
Master List]
Status = temporary hiatus
"Broken Bonds" -- Supernatural/NCIS: Los Angeles
Master List]
Status = Complete (12 Chapters)
"A Moment In Time: Surprise Partner" -- NCIS: Los Angeles/Vampire Diaries
Master List]
Status = WIP
"More Than A Petrova" -- Supernatural/Vampire Diaries
Master List]
Status = Complete (15 Chapters + 1 Outtake)
"More Than A Petrova 2: Legacies" -- Supernatural/Vampire Diaries
Master List]
Status = WIP
"One Drop and You're Done" -- Supernatural/Vampire Diaries
Master List]
Status = Complete (5 Chapters)
"Mysterious Smoak" -- Supernatural/Arrow
Master List]
Status = WIP
"King of the Ground" -- Supernatural/The 100
Master List]
Status = WIP
**Under Construction**