Travelling back in Time to 1944 doesn't go as planned on SPN! (My 11x14 Thoughts)

Feb 17, 2016 23:57

I also got a tumblr page (link on the side) so many of the gifs used here have been reblogged there (since I have no clue as to how to make a gif).

Alright so here is a jotted recap of the episode with my initial thoughts included throughout and after the episode. I do it this way because my memory sucks when it comes to recalling things that don't revolve around my OTP for the series.


"Supernatural" - ep. 11x14 ("The Vessel") [CW Promo]
[My Tumblr Page for 11x14] [Producer's Preview]

Synopsis:   LUCIFER (AS CASTIEL) SENDS DEAN BACK IN TIME - Hoping to find a weapon powerful enough to defeat Amara (guest star Emily Swallow), Dean (Jensen Ackles) convinces “Castiel,” (Misha Collins) who is still Lucifer, to send him back in time to the last reported sighting of the Hand of God. Lucifer sees the potential in getting his hands on this weapon so goes along as Castiel and sends Dean to 1944 to the fated submarine mission that sunk the Hand of God. Meanwhile, continuing his charade with Sam (Jared Padalecki) while they wait for Dean's return, Lucifer plans his next move.

Dean travels back to 1944...again!!!!

-       The Men of Letters-
-       Time travel
-       Nazi Soldiers (8x13)
-       Lucifer possessing Castiel's vessel
-       Dean's unwanted bond with Amara
Fance, 1943
-       Nazi Soldier (Peter) is on the phone (he has the ancient box he's been searching for)
-             Delphine waits by the door...with her eyes on the ancient box
-       Delphine wants to see the box
-             Peter kisses her neck
-                   Delphine is stunned ("So, it's true.")
-       Delphine kills Peter
-             Delphine parts with a word from the Men of Letters
-                   "The Men of Letters send their regards." -Delphine
WEBCLIP #1 -- Bunker's Kitchen
-       Dean enters and heads for the coffee
-             Sam claims there is no coffee...he drank it all
-                   "We’re out." -Sam
-                   "There was half a bag yesterday." -Dean
-                   "I killed it." -Sam
-                         Sam was doing research for a possible edge they need for Amara
-       Sam finds research about a weapon by the 'Hand of God' that was lost at sea in 1944
-             "It’s a little early for Nazi trivia…especially without caffeine." -Dean
-                   "These memos refer to it as the Hand of God." -Sam
-                         "The only beings strong enough to battle Amara are gone." -Sam
-       Dean wonders why the Nazi's lost the war if they had the weapon
-             Sam brings up a woman named Delphine that stole the weapon
-                   Delphine is a Women of Letters
Hell (Throne Room)
-       Cas!Lucifer looks at a tablet
-             Demons want to proceed with the meetings
-                   One demon steps up
-       Cas!Lucifer hears muffling
-             "Doggy wants to speak." -Cas!Lucifer
-                   Crowley is chained and caged
-                         Crowley defends Cas!Lucifer being leader
-       Sam and Dean find information about Delphine
-             French Transcript is found (computer translators help)

-       Dean drinks a beer
-             Sam isn't pleased
-                   "What am I supposed to drink? Water?" -Dean
-       Sam and Dean realize that the Hand of God was meant to go to the Bunker but the ship was sunk
-             Sam claims the weapon is lost at sea
-                   Dean doesn't think so
Hell (Throne Room
-       Cas!Lucifer is bored as he waits for his weapons
-             Cas!Lucifer deals with Crowley
-                   Cas!Lucifer calls Crowley out on his defiance
-       Cas!Lucifer wants Crowley's true thoughts
-             Crowley reveals that Cas!Lucifer doesn't believe he's strong enough to take Amara on (weapons aren't enough)
-                   Cas!Lucifer pats Crowley and admits to that
-                         "I may be a bit under-equipped." -Cas!Lucifer
-       Cas!Lucifer gets a call
-             "No barking. It's show time." -Cas!Lucifer
-                   Cas!Lucifer takes the call from Dean
-       Sam and Dean tell Cas!Lucifer about their time-travel plan
-             Cas!Lucifer thinks it's doable
-                   Sam questions the complexities usually behind it (that they've faced)
-                         "Time's a whole different system." -Cas!Lucifer
-                         "Told ya." -Dean
-                               Sam has more worries about time-travel complexities
-                                     Dean tries to reassure him of the plan

-       Sam learns that Dean plans to time travel alone which he refuses
-             Dean argues that he's the logical choice since he can't defeat Amara
-                   "We can't risk us both." -Dean
-                         Cas!Lucifer listens on gleefully
-       Sam gets Castiel to promise to stay by Dean's side
-             Cas!Lucifer claims that he won't have Dean leave his sights

-       Sam wishes Dean luck
-             "Be safe." -Sam
-             "When am I not?" -Dean
-       Cas!Lucifer sents Dean back to 1944
1944 Ship
-       Dean finds himself in the bunk without Castiel
1944 Ship
-       Dean hides under the bunks as the shipmates get ready for the day
-             Dean notices a marking on the wall

-       Sam reads the history books
-             Cas!Lucifer walks in soaking wet
-                   Cas!Lucifer couldn't get inside the ship
1944 Ship
-       Dean tries to locate Delphine
-       Cas!Lucifer reveals that the ship was warded against him
-              Sam worries about Dean
-                   Cas!Lucifer almost slips about what's important (Dean or the weapon)
-       Sam wants to help Dean somehow through research
-             Cas!Lucifer plays up the worry for Dean
-                   "Cas don't worry, we'll bring him back." -Sam
1944 Ship
-       Dean takes on a sailor's outfit and he tries to blend in
-       Dean finds Delphine
-             Delphine gets defensive since no one on the ship knows her name
-                   Dean tries to explain...he mentions Men of Letters

-       The other shipmate that Dean encountered bursts in, exposing Dean as a fraud
-             Dean is detained and searched...his phone is found
-                   Jokes on Dean being from space or the future after he claims the phone is what it is
-                         Delphine looks thoughtful
-       Dean admits to being from the future
-             "My name is Dean Winchester and I'm on a mission from the future." -Dean
-                   Dean reveals that the ship will get attacked in an hour, killing them all
-                         I'm sure he wasn't supposed to do that
1944 Ship
-       Captain has his own theories about who Dean is (a spy or an AWOL soldier looking to go home)
-             Captain wants Dean to be detained
-                   Delphine wants to talk with Dean
-                         Captain refuses
-                               Captain gets news about incoming German ship
-       Dean brings up the warding with Delphine
-             Delphine explains that the sigil is meant to protect her from all supernatural interference
-                   Dean realizes that Castiel is locked out until the warding is down
-       Dean tries to tell Delphine the situation he's in and why he's there from the future
-             Delphine believes and trusts Dean
-       Cas!Lucifer is bored with research
-       Sam finds a spell that could undo the protective wardings but an archangel is needed (why it hasn't been done)
-             Cas!Lucifer wants to try
-                   Sam doesn't want to waste time
-       Cas!Lucifer takes a look at the spell
-             Is that something Lucifer didn't know about?
1944 Ship
-       Delphine gives Dean the weapon
-             Delphine warns Dean not to touch mere mortal could handle the unstable effects (could Dean?)
-                   Delphine goes to remove the warding
-       Shipmate asks how long the war lasts
-             Dean tells the truth...years (1945)
-       Captain gives the order to get the ship ready for battle...crew is frantic in completing their orders
-             Delphine scratches out one sigil
-       Crew members prepare a missile for launch
-             Opposing Ship is lost only to be found above them
-                   Ship goes into silent mode
-       Delphine returns to Dean
-             Delphine reveals that her skin has the warding...Dean has to kill her to break it
-                   "It's power lives and dies with me." -Delphine
-                         Dean slowly knicks Delphine where the warding is
-       Bombs are dropped
-             Ship shakes
-                   Chaos ensues
-       Cas!Lucifer prepares the spell
-             Sam is stunned
-                   "You're not strong enough! You could get hurt." -Sam
-                         Cas!Lucifer continues on
-       Sam brings up Bobby using his soul as a power boost for Castiel when time traveling was involved
-             Sam offers up his soul to Castiel so they could help Dean
-       Cas!Lucifer laughs and contemplates why he still needs Sam
-             Cas!Lucifer is interested in Dean due to his link to Amara
-                   Cas!Lucifer wants to use the spell to get Dean and the Hand of God
-             Cas!Lucifer is prepared to lie to Dean about how Sam died
-                   Sam is mortified
-                         "Lucifer." -Sam
-                         "In the flesh." -Cas!Lucifer
-       Cas!Lucifer pushes through to access Sam's soul
-             Sam shouts in pain
-                   OMG!!
-       Cas!Lucifer pulls back from Sam
-             Sam collapses
-       Cas!Lucifer is unnerved
-             "Hello Castiel." -Cas!Lucifer
-                   Castiel is still inside the Jimmy Novak vessel!!!
1944 Ship
-       Crew deals with the German ship having a message to Delphine
-             Dean and Delphine are taken to the control room
-                   Peter is a member of the Thule (burning the body is needed)
-                         Peter (Nazi) tries to make a deal for Delphine and the cargo
-       Delphine knows that Dean has to kill her to bring the weapon to the future
-             Dean wants to learn how to use the Hand of God
-                   Delphine refuses since Dean can't use it
-       Delphine wants to prepare Dean for the time jump
-             Crew offers to buy Delphine the time she needs to prepare
-       Sam wakes up
-             Castiel rushes to tell Sam the situation
-       Sam wants Castiel to eject Lucifer
-             Castiel can't and won't because they need Lucifer to defeat Amara and to save Dean
-                   "We need him to save Dean." -Castiel
-                   "You can't time travel?" -Sam
-                   "Only Lucifer can." -Castiel
1944 Ship
-       Time is up
-             Germans attack with another bomb
-       Delphine accesses the Hand of God weapon...she starts to glow
-             Dean rushes to cover and grab the weapon
-                   Warding burns off Delphine's body
-       Bombs are dropped again
-             Cas!Lucifer appears behind Dean
-       Dean finds himself back in the bunker
-             Sam rushes to warn Dean about Cas!Lucifer
-                   "Dean! That's not Cas!" -Sam
-                         Cas!Lucifer shrugs ("Cat's out of the bag.")
-       Cas!Lucifer tosses Dean aside
-             Cas!Lucifer is relieved
-                   "I feel a burden lifted." -Cas!Lucifer
-                         Cas!Lucifer complains about the deep cover and working with the Winchesters as allies
-                               Sam discreetly cuts his hand
-       Cas!Lucifer tries to use the Hand of God but it doesn't work (one time only)
-             Cas!Lucifer advances on Dean
-                   Sam activates the banishing sigil he made in his blood
-                         Cas!Lucifer is cast out
-                               Dean is disappointed by the infiltration in their group
-       If Lucifer knows where the bunker is, are they truly safe there now?

-       Sam and Dean sit
-             Sam wonders what happens next
-                   Dean wants to find Lucifer and save Castiel
-                         Sam wonders if Castiel will want to be saved since he wanted Lucifer's help
-                               Dean doesn't believe that

-       Sam wonders how Dean handled being on that ship
-             Dean doesn't know how to say it
-                   "I was just a witness." -Dean
-                         Dean doesn't want to talk about it
-       Dean asks what happened to the opposing German ship
-             Sam reports that it sank but it was recovered with a huge whole in it
-                   Does that mean Dean may not have changed how the ship went down? The weapon was used all along?
-       Dean is left alone with the Hand of God
-             So he time travelled for nothing?

11x15 Promo = Winchesters fanboy over WWE wrestlers

For more of my thoughts taken directly after watching the episode, check out my youtube video for it here
==> [My After Show Video for 11x14]

See you next week!!

character: sam winchester, my opinion, episode reactions, character: dean winchester, character: castiel, show: supernatural, tv spoilers, character: crowley

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