Feb 14, 2011 15:21
I don't like the idea that I should buy Navi, or any loved one, stuff for Valentine's Day (or in Ireland St. Valentine's Day). But what I dislike more are people who go out and make a statement and proclaim that they're completely against this day and everything about it. It's so cliched. I don't know if it's hypocritical or just plain ignorant to celebrate Christmas is some way but then to vocally bitch about Valentine's.
Christmas is significantly more commercialised then Valentines. By leaps and bounds. Yet for the vast majority of people I know, Christmas is about being together with friends and family and eating amazing and somewhat expensive dinners. You could take gift giving and receiving out of it and it wouldn't make much difference.
And it's the exact same for Solstice. The one Solstice party I go to has a gift exchange which seems to play a somewhat significant part of the evening. Yet, if you took this out, the evening wouldn't be less enjoyable.
A friend tried to justify why it's okay to enjoy Christmas over Valentine's because Christmas comes from more cultural roots. But so does Ramadan.
And like the Muslim faith, I don't believe my friend has any Pagan beliefs nor does he believe that Jesus was the son of God but this doesn't stop him in partaking in the celebrations of the Winter Solstice and Christmas.
I'm making Navi an awesome dinner tonight. And giving her a long massage later. I don't have the time to do this everyday. So today, Valentine's day, I will make the extra effort to make her happy. She knows I love her. I don't need a card to express that. But I'm still celebrating this day.