Nov 02, 2003 22:00
It's official. I've ordered the L-A-P-T-O-P. Yep, you heard me, a brand new notebook will be delivered within the next few weeks right to my very doorstep. I'll bore you with the technical details another time, for now, it's just stick to: Woohoo!
You know what this means for _YOU_? Well, i'll have a re-kindled interest in the internet, and LJs and The 'Nal, and that definately increases the chances of more updates... notice how i don't actually promise anymore, i just give you the odds and you can place your bets any way you want to.
Hey yeah, melbourne cup on tuesday (i think). I like the races, i remember years ago when we went to watch the doggies, and i loved it! There's only 6-8 in a race, and all the odds are pretty cool, it's not hard to have a good time with less than $50. I should go again sometime
oh look at the time! I'm off to bed soon.... ah well i'll update next time i get excited about the laptop