Set Back

Dec 16, 2010 17:55

I've successfully injured my knee. Not that I'm excited about it, obviously. Maybe I pushed myself a little too hard last night during my training. Whatever the reason, I'm having a semi-difficult bending my knee. Not too bad, but I sense the pain. I feel like an old lady.

I hate taking a break from exercising because anyone who's worked out knows how difficult it is to start back up again after a long break. Your body gets tired. Your mind gets lazy. Your mentality breaks. And soon you're back to where you started: on the couch eating cookies and watching The Biggest Loser, wondering "why can't I do that?"

I was excited to start level 3 of Jillian Michaels's 30-Day-Shred, but now all I can do is sit here and feel useless. I'll be out of the game for a week, if I'm lucky.

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