New Sims house

Sep 01, 2010 01:39

My old Sims 3 disc was stolen with my Macbook Pro. I was so excited to receive my new disc last week and some awesome sets from the Sims store that I've spent the last few days working on a new house.

I'm not done yet. It still needs refinement, but I'm in no rush. Building the house is my favorite part. I love engaging my creative side. This is my favorite house so far since it doesn't depend on the use of red (dramatic, but it gets old). This design was inspired by the fairy tale set, but instead of going all out (which is too busy for me), I simplified it. I think I leaned toward modern a little too much.

Thanks to my sister for getting me hooked! My life is complete.

Click on pictures for a larger image.

games: sims 3

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