Apr 05, 2005 12:45
yeah well today kinda sucks.
but then again i say that about almost everyday, dont i? i am so full of angst.
i cant wait until friday. going to danielle's, to do a pimpin remake of THE RAVEN (starring lea as morgan freeman as The Raven) muahahaha. i am a genius. and with sam as our diector of photography, how can we go wrong? WE CANT. then were all going to sleep over there and have a massive lesbian orgy, except for kevin. because he has a penis. not that this is a subject i care to elaborate on. and then on saturday, we can eat WAFFLES or something cool like that. and then you know what? the rest of the weekend i shall spend lounging around, getting FATTER than i already am, and watching things like OVERBOARD with kurt russel and that retarded blonde chick with wrinkles when she was like 30. but anyway.
please note my BITCHIN icon, which, i think, we ought to take turns with. this icon is almost as disgusting as pinkys. but not quite. for some reason, ketchup doesnt give me the chills that ripping out someones stomach and wearing it as a hat does. ha. god i love you, pinkster. you and your angsty ways.
havent really been able to write much lately. i really, really want to try for an EPICALLY-AMAZING-THOUGH-NOT-EPICALLY-LONG short story. i dont know though....i have so many ideas im not sure where to start.
woe is me, for the bell tolls. for me. for biology.
oh emm gee. i wuv you guyths.