Oct 26, 2004 12:54
That was quick... I've only been awake for about an hour - and already I need to shower and walk into Newton to meet Bruno and Anna. I'm either going to go my garunteed way - except it goes past 2 graveyards and farm which always smells... and lots of cars on a lane (although it's a weekday so I doubt there'll be lots of cars) or I can go the way I went last time... except I had a high temperature and kept day dreaming and got lost. Except I got lost IN Newton *sighs* ... oh well. I think we'll just have to walk and talk I don't particularly feel like sitting in Courteney park... except maybe in that cool little bit where I sat with Mark and Pearcey and everyone, where Pete stole Mc's shoe and they ran all the way round the park... that was an amusing 10 minutes :)... that was actually a very long time ago at the VERY beginning of the summer - or before. It was the last time I went to the bench in TQ anyway... I should really do that again - they were really fun Saturdays :P ...
------------ Update
Actually that was quite fun even if we didn't do much. It would have been better for Bruno to come back here and crash or something and we could have drunk and watched films. But I'll meet up with him tomorrow or something. He was having a nice little chat with Paul :) - and I'm going to the cinema with Anna on Thursday. Bruno told me I'd like Kate and was asking if she was my type and stuff after we'd met her for a ... small bit. Well it only turns out it's the Kate that came round to my house at some halloween thing years ago... I think that was the halloween party where James locked Tom in the airing cupboard - *rolls eyes* and then Boltee tried to tell a scary story and James/Wome kept belching and I couldn't stop laughing - ooooh we were all so young... about 10 I think :P.