Nov 29, 2009 14:54
gosh it's been such a long time since i have written in here, it's kind of embarrasing. i wish they would come up with a better livejournal application for the iphone instead of just making journal entries. I had a wonderful thanksgiving with both my family and my in law family. i should even classify that because they truly feel like family to me and have always treated me as such. i am down to the last few weeks of this semester and then one semester left to go. it has been a long time coming but i will almost be there. i am so tired today, the day before clinical i never seem to sleep very well and it is often disappointing. at least i have one more off day before a full week starts once again.
the count down on projects begins starting with presentation evals and sign in, a first draft on my clinical project, 2 lectures, 2 reading, and a final exam.
i have testing for jujutsu tomorrow which i am excited about, i finally get something aside from a white belt. i miss martial arts to no end and cannot wait for school to be over with so i can begin my run again for black belt. school seems to always get in the way of everything.