Diary of J.S Wolfie

Apr 06, 2009 22:04


this diary will be is to be a record of the trials and tribulations faced by me at the much hated Job Search boot camp may it be preserved for future generation so they may know the truth and remember what I endured for them

was rudely awakened at 0600 by the clock work harpy, day is already too hot

Not looking forward to this… but orders are orders…. Coffee tastes like weak shit

was given my order transcript at 0700….. Kissed Tricia goodbye with promises I would come back no matter what…. Hope I can keep it…. She’s like a mother too me

The 354 bus took me an others to Centrelink central where I was attached to the PVS Unit and given my transfer papers

The unit HQ wasn’t to far so I arrived well before the other conscripts and was left to wait intill they unlocked the door at 0800

Met J.S Commander Suzy at 0830… and after handing over my papers she had me fill out the required paper work to make my name official before being handed over to Drillmaster Alex for briefing

Was told we were a bunch of no good slackers and it would be his pleasure to whip our butts in to lean mean interviewing machines…….not impressed

First order of business was how to make a presentable CV….. Pointed out I have a CV in my folder

Drillmaster was impressed but said I couldn’t cut….. Seemed genuinely friendly but strict

After briefing we where set to duplication what we just learnt

Easy but tedious work….. Exactly Like what I did in 9th grade…. Felt like I WAS in 9th grade really

So was bored as hell for the full hour given

occupied time by talking to fellow conscripts, cheerful bunch, 10 men and 5 women in total

Not a looker among them…not that I was counting on that….. But it would have been nice

Accommodation is inadequate too….. Space to small for 16 people…. Single large table, not enough papers and only 4 computers available

But I’ll make do… what choice do I have now

At ease order came at 1300, handed in CV before being released for 2 hours of PT to look for work

Made good use of it but was to slow to claim a computer….. Had to make use of papers

Will be faster next time

General halt called at 1500.….was glad to be done for the day.. Will sleep well tonight

Can’t wait intill tomorrow

“Qui audet adipiscitur” 

work, diary of j.s wolfie

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