Just thought I'd add my favorite LP picture. I mostly like it cause it has my two favorite members!
Anyway I'll talk about other things now....Yesterday we went to see the Crazy/kool old lady. She has to take all these pills for something I dont really know what yet. But they had this weird old people olympics going on and all I was thinking about was old people donig flips and stuff. It was....interesting, they all had to do this obsticle course thing and the old people from all over town were there, it was probably fun for them.
Today we went to gove Raul his *feel good* shot and now hes better again so no biggy. After we did that we went to Fareway (local grocery store) and got like 300 dollars worth of food! I cant understand why everything is so expensive now days. Anyway there was this really cute dude me and Kiyenna saw and he was our bagboy...for like two seconds..then he left to cheat on us with another kart. *sniffle* That was about all I did today..besides practice my guitar and watch T.V....Oh wait at the vets I saw this sign for MicroChips that you give to your pet to track them down if they ever get lost...and I kept thinking about MicroChips in humans and Cameras in the room...I think I suffer from acute paronoia.