Eh, might as well

Apr 13, 2013 23:54

Post the first line of your current WIPs


  • In retrospect, Anastasia Luccio really should have expected the call, or something like it.
  • Rafe closed his copy of Cut from the Same Cloth and smiled.
  • Warden Warrick Tane shifted some of his cousin’s roses to a kinder light.
  • Lionel wondered why he let Dad keep dragging him to these parties.
  • Morgan knew full well that he was essentially committing treason.
  • The battle was not going well for the rebels.
  • Mercy hummed happily to herself as she prowled through the orange grove.
  • Night had fallen on wherever-here-was, and Monica was starting to shiver -- not from cold, but from the distant howling.
  • "So why have we watched this three times?"
  • "So! Link."
  • Of the many constellations who had been lost during the Fall, their shells burned beyond recognition or simply separated by considerable distances depending on the hemisphere they occupied at the time, Nox was gathering quite a crowd of new folk.
  • Perhaps before the Chitauri attacked, the sight of a lion padding to Stark Tower might have drawn more than curious looks.
  • It was a slow day in Sarcophagus of Treasures.
  • The whole hall burst into chaos as the alarms were rung.
  • Lumiel leaned back in his seat, crossing his long legs as he regarded the amber liquid in his glass.
  • As the vampire blurred and vanished, Trini instinctively reached --
  • And so El fashioned Lucifer the Light-Bearer, the son of the morning; and after him He fashioned Gabriel the Messenger, Uriel the [Thing], Raphael the [Other Thing], and Michael the Warrior, and saw that it was good.
  • Hyo was exhausted.
  • If there was one thing Song had learned in her years as a shapebender, it was that people talked to animals.
  • The firebender was a problem.
  • Alak paused on his way to the private areas of the Dai Li Museum.
  • The base of her skull began to itch as the door opened.
  • Alak's mother often said that her youngest son could sleep through an earthquake.
  • The young earthbender was being held in a wooden cage, the Avatar noted coolly.
  • The world around Hahn was white.
  • Hyo had never intended to be a revolutionary leader.
  • Hyo was exhausted. (yes i have two different stories that start with this phrase shut up)
  • After less than a year in Liu's care, Ichiro had turned on his nation entirely.
  • Sometimes Lieutenant Li Shang regretted that he'd followed the missing Firelord
  • Chatri was angry (Currently working on)
  • "Hyo-sir, I need two month's advance on my salary."
  • "Hua Jia is dead," said Ba Zi.
  • This was such a bad idea.
  • Ichiro hated Ba Sing Se.
  • The storm blew up without warning, so sudden that Tian knew she couldn't possibly make it home before it struck in force.
  • Commander Hyo was not certain he liked the "translation charms" he and the others had been fitted with.
  • Nobody was particularly surprised that Prince Zuko was in an exceedingly foul mood after the fiasco with the pirates, least of all his dæmon Irie.
  • "You're back," Long Feng noted coolly.
  • "When did you find out you were a stitch witch?" Sandry asked cheerfully, plopping herself down beside the green-clad weaver.
  • Agent Hyo only intended to spy on the Fire Nation when he and a few other off-duty Dai Li went to the Agrarian Zone.
  • Rithisak complained the Cultural Museum was creepy at night.
  • "Song," Jee growls.
  • Sometimes Song wondered if Inspector-General Hyo was some sort of autonomous puppet.
  • Haru knew Toph was coming up behind him.
  • It had been a very long time since Lanh, Alak, and Chatri had all had the same day off.
  • "You've done wonderfully, Intan."
  • Clear blue water cascaded over the cliff's face, tumbling down until it landed in the pool below.
  • The Lieutenant wondered about his relationship with Intan sometimes.
  • Intan didn't even see the attack coming, which is how she knew it was Fei Yan and not Dakila.
  • Song's hands are always warm.
  • Azula didn't trust the earthbender.
  • There was a boy in his office.
  • "Of all the stupid-ass, asinine decisions that asshole could possibly make--"
  • The girl lies broken, and Long Feng is in shock.
  • Azula looked around, taking in the devastation, the bodies, and the frightened-looking noble train she had just captured, then cast golden eyes on the small boy watching her with a hedgepuppy-eager expression.
  • "What is going on here?"
  • It was not a dark and stormy night.
  • It shone on the viewscreens like a jewel: the white-swirled blue-and-green planet that once had been their home.
  • Princess Sapphire still wasn't sure why, exactly, she had to be at this farce.
  • In his dorm, Satoshi paced from one end of the room to the other.
  • Satoshi paused when the brush was halfway down Minako's long tresses as a thought occurred to him.
  • Saffir hadn't crafted a droid in years, but it was not a skill easily lost.
  • "Saffir! Saffir, look!"
  • Sailor Nemesis crouched precariously on the edge of a roof, leaning over so she could make out the five figures below her.
  • A good fifteen minutes out of town, Miss Leandra abruptly pulled over.
  • "This is absolutely unacceptable!"
  • Rose woke with a start.

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