Character Bio and Fic

Nov 20, 2011 16:12

Title: The Morning After
Fandom: Transformers Prime
Characters: Leandra Jackson (OC), Carmen Peralta (OC)
Rating: PG/K
Summary: Leandra arrives late to school after a bad night and tries to avoid answering her best friend's questions about how she got hurt.
Notes: Carmen belongs to beckyh2112 and is used with her permission and input.

"You wanna tell me why you're late?"

Leandra tilted her head from where it was pillowed on her arms and opened one eye to shoot Carmen the deadliest glare she could muster. "Not really, no."

She kept her head down, wanting to hide the spectacular black eye she'd managed to get at some point last night. Bad enough she'd probably have to talk to a doctor about her foot. She really didn't want her friend to ask about where all the lesser injuries had come from.

She shifted and winced; her ribcage was sore. Her everything was sore, really, after last night. "I shoulda skipped," she mumbled.

"You never skip," Carmen said.

"I'm never late, neither," Leandra pointed out. She ran a hand over her hair and finally raised her head.

Carmen was silent for a long moment. "That needs ice," she said, finally. "What happened?"

"Got caught up in a battle between a giant robot and some terrorist group," Leandra said lightly.

Something behind them crashed. The girls looked back to see Jack Darby kneeling to pick up the remains of his lunch. Strict facial control kept Leandra's eyes from narrowing. That reaction didn't make sense.

Carmen snorted. "No wonder he keeps skipping work, if giant robots make him drop what he's carrying."

Darby stared at them both, and Leandra rolled her eyes. "Take a pill, Darby," she suggested. "I was talking about Big O."

"Y-yeah," he said, finally getting up. "I... I knew that." He walked away quickly.

Clearly Darby knew something. And just as clearly, Leandra reminded herself, it was none of her business. Last night had proved that.

"So, what really happened?" Carmen asked, keeping her voice low.

Leandra hesitated for the barest second, and decided to err on the side of keeping her friend safe. She shrugged. "Nobody beat me up, if that's what you mean."

Only because she'd managed to keep out of arm's reach. God, she'd gotten lucky.

Both of Carmen's eyebrows went up. "Girl, you look like you went a couple rounds with a staircase."

There had been a staircase, but someone else had gone down it. Leandra shrugged and tried to smile. "The staircase looks pretty bad, yeah."

Carmen grabbed her hand. "C'mon, we can at least cover some of that. And I've got an extra set of clothes in my locker." She wrinkled her nose. "Yours smell like gas. And smoke."

"All right," Leandra said, grabbing her bag and holding it over her stomach. Nobody needed to see the long rends that had been sliced into her shirt. When had that happened, anyway?

Limping, she followed Carmen out of the cafeteria, ignoring her growing stomach. Never again, she swore. She'd find a new place to set up shop, rather than risk crossing those MECH guys again. She wasn't ready to face them -- or rather, him.

Well, if he'd survived last night.

She hoped fervantly he hadn't.

"Did the staircase get your foot, too?" Carmen asked.

"Soccer," Leandra lied. "Got stepped on." Luckily, it wasn't too far to the gym.

Changing into Carmen's clothes was a new and interesting experience -- Carmen was muscular, whereas Leandra had a runner's build. On the other hand, this meant Carmen's clothes were, for the most part, loose, if a little short on her. Luckily, the skirt had been a longer one to begin with, so Leandra wouldn't flash the entire school every time she bent over.

Leandra dug into her bag, quickly shoving the yellow communicator to one side, and found her bag of makeup. It took longer than usual to apply it, but she wanted to be sure there was no trace of her black eye.

Carmen was holding up her discarded shirt and frowning. "That's a nasty rip," she commented. Leandra shrugged; getting hauled off of barbed wire did that to clothes. "I said a nasty thing about the staircase's mother."

Her friend dropped the shirt. "Leandra. That's a barb-wire rip. You went out to Area 51, didn't you?"

"Maybe," Leandra hedged.

Carmen groaned. "Did you get in a fight with a cult leader or what?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Leandra said sharply. "Drop it. Please."

Carmen looked worried, but she dropped it.

Relieved, Leandra packed everything up and slung her bag over her shoulders. "Let's get some food, yeah?"

"Good plan," Carmen said, and guided her out.

Name: Leandra Jackson
Age: 17
Height: 5'7
Partner: Soundwave
Affililation: Decepticons
Location: Jasper, NV, USA
Origin: Boston, MA, USA
Family: Abraham Cooper (Uncle)
Backstory: At the age of nine, Leandra witnessed her parents' murders at the hand of unknown parties. She never learned why they were killed, though is adamant that drug wars were not the reason, as the police claimed. Her mother's brother, a truck driver, took her in rather than see her fall into an uncaring foster system. This involved a move from Boston to Jasper, something the traumatised girl was more than happy to do.
Personality: Leandra shows few signs of her childhood tragedy. She is a strong-willed, confident young woman who is always ready to fight when people try belittle or ignore her. She prefers to keep to herself and her experiments with sound and sonar, though if a good game of soccer is promised she will set them aside.
Other: Leandra first met Soundwave at an abandoned military facilitary in the Nevada desert -- along with MECH. Leandra seems to have a personal beef with one of Silas' subordinates, and would gladly see the man dead. She also used to babysit for Raf when he was younger.

fandom: transformers, fanfic, character: leandra

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