DC, I think we need to have a talk about your editorial “all women will wear pants” mandate and how that’s supposed to shut up the ferminists empower women or whatever.
Specifically, we need to talk about your execution of that mandate with regards to Zatanna.
I get the look you’re going for here, IE “her pants could fall off at any given moment!” to appeal to the Straight Male Gaze. Or at least I hope that’s what you’re going for, since all I can think of, apart from how ridiculous she looks, is wondering how in the fuck those stay up. Did she sew them to her panties or something?
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And as for Raven, while those clearly are not pants, I must applaud you for once again ignoring all appearance of function and going right for the Straight Male Gaze again. I really hope she fired her tailor for that outfit, because it's cut weirdly in order to get that thin scrap of cloth to hang down between her legs like that. It looks like a gentle breeze could blow that out of the way and reveal her crotch for the Straight Males world to see.
DC, I am disappoint.