
May 27, 2010 16:47

Before reading this post, you would do well to read this one.

I have finished my room! For the first time since I've moved in, my room is clean! And my things are mostly put away where they go! I may yet need another bookcase, but that is to be dealt with in another time.

This post will be mostly before/after, as I got caught up cleaning and forgot to take pictures!

So, without further ado,



If anyone can figure out what movie I'm watching, I'll make you an icon from the picture/screenshot of your choice. :D


Out of curiosity, how many of you would be interested in other picture posts? Like setting up my old room at Oma's, or the route I walk to the shopping centre not far from here, or anything like that?

picture post, the cardinal of the gremlin, room cleaning

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