Time for a chat post! ^_^

Mar 11, 2010 17:09

I love these things, no lie. <3

[Pux]: AHA! My first ship ever.
[El]: ?
[Pux]: Dark Heart/Christy from the second Care Bears Movie.
[El]: never seen
[Pux]: It was amazing. He's all EVIL EVIL RAWR I'M EVIL BE EVIL WITH ME, CHRISTY and she's all Sure, fine, whatever, and then he stands up in a canoe and falls out and hits his head and almost drowns but she SAVES HIM and then later when he's taking out all the Care Bears she gets caught in the crossfire and he's all NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[El]: yay!
[Pux]: So, yeah, her getting caught in the crossfire spurred his heel-face-turn.
[El]: ::nods::
[Pux]: And then they all CARED and saved Christy and Dark Heart became a real boy.
[El]: awww
[Pux]: Which always stood out to me because the proof that he was a real boy?
[Pux]: He could do CARTWHEELS.
[El]: neat!
[Pux]: Always did wonder what happened after that.
[Pux]: Did he change his name? Or will he always be Dark Heart?
[El]: i don't know
[Pux]: That must be weird, filling out forms. LAST NAME: Heart FIRST NAME: Dark ARE YOU A CITIZEN: ....maybe?
[El]: ::giggles::
[El]: i don't know. does it?
[Pux]: Well, if you look at the republican party...

[Spyri]: I almost want to go out and play.
[Pux]: Why almost?
[Spyri]: Because I should have a shower and I don't have snow clothes.
[Pux]: So go play before the shower.
[Spyri]: >_>
[Spyri]: [Spyri]: brb, snowangels

[Charles]: hearing about the Tea Party makes me want to head for America and drive past their meetings in a Rolls-Royce blaring "God Save The Queen" while I drink from huge mugs of tea in front of them in a Redcoat costume
[Pux]: *giggles*
[Charles]: my license plate will be "NHS TWN"
[Pux]: *grins*
[Charles]: and I'll yell "I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK"
[Pux]: Not country -- colonies! You want your colonies!
[Charles]: point

[Bex]: Just carry him out over your shoulder, Hyo. >_>
[Pux]: He has the baby in his arms.
[Bex]: Curses.
[Pux]: Could carry him out in his arms. Stop glaring at me, Hyo.

[Charles]: "And if ANYONE brings up that Fury fought the Nazis and therefore can do no wrong, I will find the nearest book on Stalin and hit you with it."
[Pux]: *giggles*
[Pux]: So what if they point out that the Soviets were initially allied with the Nazis until Hitler said "I've got a great idea! Let's invade them IN THE WINTER! BRILLIANCE!"

[GG]: Adobe tried to curtail the use of "Photoshop" as a verb, by sending out a press release saying, basically, you can't do that. Instead of "Photoshopping", they wanted you to say, "I edited the picture in Adobe Photoshop .." Naturally, nobody cared.

[El]: ...i didn't know burton did james and the giant peach
[Pux]: ........and suddenly everything about that movie makes sense.
[Spyri]: He did?
[Pux]: Apparently so.
[Spyri]: He produced it. Harry Selick also was the director for James and the Giant Peach and Nightmare Before Christmas.
[Pux]: ....everything still makes sense.

[Bex]: .... So, guess who I got as my secret santa giftee?
[Pux]: Rin?
[Bex]: Rin.
[Pux]: Hee.
[Bex]: *can't stop laughing*
[Bex]: How the heck did that happen?
[Pux]: Dieroll?
[Pux]: I think the only thing funnier would be you ending up with me or me with you.

(Six minutes later, I get my Secret Santa giftee…)

[Pux]: .....
[Pux]: Excuse me, I need to go DIE now.
[Bex]: ... Me?
[Bex]: *dies*

[Pux]: --I totes want to see a WALL-E fic about one of the other fleet ships, a society that, rather than becoming indolent, became active and, dare I say? Aggressive.
[Pux]:They have jogging tracks! Pools! They can exercise! THIS! IS! SPARTA!

[Pux]: ...I want lower taxes. But if taxes are altogether eliminated... where is the money to run the country going to come from?
[Spyri]: ... pirates.
[Pux]: Is that a new greeting? Something Gamorrean? "Scabrous pirates to you this morning."

....sorry. I seem to want to read Aaron Allston.
[Spyri]: Pirates. We can get money from being pirates. That was what Queen Elizabeth did.
[Pux]: "Now take Sir Francis Drake/ The Spanish all despise him/But to the British, he's a hero/ And they idolise him."

[Pux]: Jim/Joe/Pink/Cyrus. Someone ought to have a shiny. Probably not Jim, he's got his little fucked-up Skitty.
[GG]: hmm. What;s the justification for "shiny"?
[Pux]: Just a little genetic mutation, not unlike albinism.
[GG]: Works. Pokemans do have rather unstable DNA, or something.
[Pux]: They evolve when introduced to radiation from rocks.

[Pux]: Mom told me to tell you something in French.
[Bro]: oh haha. tell me how to say "where is the whoring and the women?"
[Pux]: That I do not know. Ask where Ben Franklin's favourite spots were.

[Spyri]: Mostly because HARU is always shown with boys.
[Spyri]: ALWAYS.
[Spyri]: Why deny Sexyfine from half the world's population? D:
[Pux]: Because he's pretty and has a pretty face and therefore must be gay.
[Pux]: And while I do love me some Haru/Teo, I ALSO love me some Haru/Katara, Haru/Mai, Haru/Ty Lee, Haru/Azula, Haru/Jin, Haru/Song, Haru/Ladies, Haru....

[Pux]: Kouji never liked the water and always managed to squirm out of lessons when they were younger.
[Spyri]: And Ozai tosses the kid in the water.
[Spyri]: Make sense, Earthbender!
[Pux]: Yep.
[Pux]: Now SWIM, earthbender, you've seen your sister do it!
[Spyri]: Move your legs and arms!
[Pux]: No, don't drown, that is counterproductive.

jettakd : I still don't understand how anyone could think Catholics aren't Christian. Sure you can disagree with the dogma, but how does that make them not Christian?
doctoreon : Don't you know they're pagans, what with their Mary and their saints?
meleth : Romish mischief! Popery is an abomination!
doctoreon : Sola gratia!
meleth : Sola scriptura, bitches!
doctoreon : Ohohoho SNAP! Just wait until the Inquisition comes knocking; you'll never expect them.
meleth : Joke's on you; while you were off inquisiting, I was defacing your church.
doctoreon : I see you have 99 problems, but a Pope ain't one.

[Bex]: *pokes at Long Feng* So. There is a pretty, naked young woman running her hands over you.
[Bex]: And saying things that can be construed as sexy.
[Pux]: And you are a Man, not Zuko.

[Bex]: Osamu: "I have no idea how Torao can stand Zhao."
[Pux]: Ichiro: "Any explanation would be rude and crude and socially unacceptable. As would the accompanying gestures."

[Pux]: At least it's not like Kira's shikai phrase.
[Pux]: "raise your head, wabisuke!"
[Kat]: ...okay then.
[Pux]: What gets fun is when you translate "shikai" and "bankai" into english.
[Kat]: You should know that I've been reading Smart Bitches all day and I'm now snickering uncontrollably.
[Pux]: Then you will love the translations.
[Pux]: Bankai, you see, can translate as "final release"
[Kat]: ....
[Kat]: *cackles like a lunatic*
[Kat]: The question being, was this on purpose?
[Pux]: I repeat again. "Raise your head, Wabisuke."
[Kat]: Yeeeah.

[Kat]: And our Big Bad needs to be doing something that would involve both Eva and Saul and preferably have something to do with Gabrielle.
[Pux]: She's a doll.
[Pux]: Perfect experimental subject?
[Kat]: ...well, okay, first of all, I feel you should know that as soon as you said "She's a doll" I jumped back from my computer about a foot.
[Kat]: Thank you so very much.

[Bex]: Prince Aang: "Hi there, babe."
Katara: "... halp."
Prince Aang: "So, you, me, a secluded oasis in the middle of the North Pole..."
Katara: "-Where did you get that scar?"
Prince Aang: "My dad hates me. Now, less about me, and more about us."

[Pux]: And now for your viewing pleasure.
[Neld]: :D :D
[Neld]: Why are you holding that towel up, sir?
[Pux]: To prevent panties from combusting.
[Neld]: ... My panties thank you.

[Pux]: This is the third season opening, incidentally.
[Neld]: "There are too many characters, let me show you them"?

[Neld]: Assassination fail.
[Neld]: There are easier ways to do that.
[Pux]: Royal Folio Repository. *nods*
[Neld]: *nodnod*
[Neld]: Someplace that has less of a chance of failing miserably.
[Pux]: So long as Blinkin isn't around.

[El]: on the other hand, his new boss kinda hates his guts just a little bit.
[Pux]: Zhao is thinking now would be a good time to retire and raise pigchickens.
[El]: ^_^
[Pux]: Well, hedgedogs.
[Pux]: Big hunting hedgedogs
[El]: yay!
[El]: at least he didn't get himself eaten by the ocean?
[Pux]: True
[El]: Zuko: ....your new boss is young enough to be your kid, too.
[Pux]: Zhao: "What new boss? I retired."
[El]: Zuko: new firelord, then.
[Pux]: Zhao: *LA LA LA LA*
[El]: Iroh: ^_^
[Pux]: Zhao is going to go raise hedgedogs and patronise the opera now, kthx
[El]: yay!
[Pux]: Odds of running into new Firelord at the opera: slim to nil.
[El]: true. less because Zuko doesn't enjoy it--not his favorite thing in the world, but he'll go with friends/a girlfriend if he ever gets one--than because he doesn't go out much in general.
[Pux]: Plus Zhao probably found a nice cultural bed where the capital is not.
[El]: yep
[Pux]: So even less odds! Hooray!
[El]: ^_^
[El]: this suits Zuko just fine. because, as mentioned before, he hates zhao's guts just a little bit.
[Pux]: Can't imagine why.
[El]: it's totally irrational.
[Pux]: Yep.
[El]: indeed.
[Pux]: Absolutely.
[El]: completely.
[Pux]: Zhao: "Oh, shut up."

[Spyri]: Well, we could go with La!Zhao, but it's not as funny. ^_^
[Pux]: Every time he goes to the opera, the tide comes in.
[Spyri]: Oh, you DIVA, Zhao.
[Pux]: He spent YEARS in the Earth Kingdom campaigning, away from any decent sort of opera. BY GOD HE WILL PATRONISE IT NOW.
[Spyri]: The Earth Kingdom is offended and grumpy! But they do not give him Operas by the Sea.
[Pux]: That is not opera. Zhao is not sure what it IS they put on, but it isn't opera.
[Spyri]: Well, the Earth Kingdom doesn't miss Zhao. He can enjoy his stupid Operas. They don't care.
[Pux]: Then clearly they agree on ONE thing.
[Spyri]: La!Zhao is going to be vexed, again. NWT doesn't do operas. They do throat singing.
[Pux]: Zhao: "...." D:
[Pux]: He is going to find that cute little colonist girl and keep her. This is the only solution.
[Pux]: [Ichiro: "...yeah, no."]
[Spyri]: Ichiro, the SEA wants your baby sister to sing for him.
[Pux]: He is wary of the sea's definition of "keep"
[Spyri]: Someone to sing for him! And maybe a kid. Yue would like a kid.
[Pux]: Ichiro feels that people are missing the important point that that is his little sister.

[Spyri]: It'll get better in the future, babies, I promise. *Strokes them.*
[Spyri]: Never mind that Koh is laughing at you. >_>
[Pux]: Zhao thinks Koh can suck it.
[Spyri]: Koh is spiritually based and not at all enmeshed with humanity. Sticks and stones my can break my bones but your words will never hurt me.
[Pux]: excellent! Zhao has plenty of words.
[Spyri]: Koh just twitters.
[Spyri]: And goes to harass the Avatar.
[Spyri]: Cause it's fun.
[Pux]: Zhao approves of Avatar-messing. :D
[Pux]: [...though now I have a mental image of Koh with a cell phone, updating his Twitter account.]
[Pux]: THIS MUST BE TWITTERED. Wait, this is a fan.

[Pux]: this is the best thing to ever come out of Twitter.
[Pux]: (read bottom to top)
[Spyri]: Oh, twitter.
[Pux]: Those are the real actors, too. <3
[Spyri]: ... HOLY CRAP.

[Pux]: Jesus. My brother got me a rose for Valentine's day two weeks ago.
[Pux]: It is still alive.
[Neld]: ...
[Neld]: Creepy genetically engineered plant?
[Pux]: ...he really DOES care!
(For the record, the rose was still alive for two weeks after this conversation. Yeah.)

[Pux]: Christopher Lee was in Golden Compass for like two seconds.
[GG]: Good for Christopher Lee.
[Pux]: He was basically there to .... be Christopher Lee, I guess.

[Pux]: All 493 Pokémon are capable of following players similar to Pikachu in Yellow.
[GG]: O.O
[Pux]: You just imagined them all in a line, didn't you.

[Avocado]: Then again, I did have a spaz attack when I saw the cover for The Giver. All new and sorta looking like a twilight cover. A part of my childhood died.
[Pux]: .....what.
[Avocado]: Yeah.
(I run off to Google "the Giver" to see this new cover)
[Pux]: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *turns safesearch back on*
[Avocado]: I just... *sigh*
[Avocado]: LOL
[Avocado]: Watch out for that stuff

[GG]: Guess what?
[GG]: I have crepes.
[GG]: And you don't!
[Pux]: Guess what?
[Pux]: I have cramps.
[Pux]: And you don't!
[Pux]: So now you'll have to die.
[GG]: ...
[GG]: ...trade you?

[Pux]: She is a fourteen-year-old girl. He is a shadow king, a man who has been ruling for twenty years and on top of that commands the secret police. He is also voiced by Clancy Brown.
[El]: yep
[Pux]: (Together, they fight crime)
[El]: (...i want to read that fic now.)

[GG]: ...these guys sure like to gesture dramatically.
[Pux]: It's Xigbar.
[Pux]: I'm pretty sure he's just fucking with you.
[Pux]: ....by the way.
[Pux]: He'll juggle you.
[Pux]: With the guns.
[GG]: ...;_;
[GG]: halp.

(six minutes later…)

[Pux]: Told you.

[Pux]: You've fought Gamblers.
[Pux]: Did you ever do that reaction command?
[GG]: ...I don't wanna be a die. ;_;
[Pux]: Because Luxord is the next boss. ^_^

[Pux]: Here's a picture to help you people sleep tight.

[Spyri]: *gnaws on Pux*
[Pux]: Eeek! D:
[Spyri]: Needs salt. D:

fandom: kingdom hearts, fandom: star wars, fandom: avatar, fandom: care bears, fandom: bleach, fandom: 1776, got enough tags there?, random, chat logs

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