Life, or something like it.

Feb 03, 2010 17:24

So now that my schedule is basically nailed down, I feel like I should share it.  (gg_crono, pay attention.)


4:30 - 6:00 Tae Kwan Do

9:50 - 11:50 Choir
1:30 - 3:00 Tap
7:00 - 9:00 English
6:00 - 10:00 Digital Basics

The Friday course I may or may not be in.  I find out this week.  Also in March, Speech will be added to my T/Th classes, so keep an eye out for that, y'all.

In other news, I had a talk with my TKD instructor today.  I've been doing poorly during the warmups, since I've had several years of general inactivity, and felt I was being pushed far beyond what I was physically capable of.  Y'all know that feeling you get in your head when you've hung upside down for awhile?  I get that feeling every time I bend over right now, which I suspect is a Bad Thing.  I'm monitoring the situation; if it doesn't fade, I'm going to see a doctor, so don't worry there.  Anyway, I talked to the instructor, and we both agreed that I needed to stop pushing myself to keep up with the class and his count.  So, end result, I'm going to pace myself, like I should have been doing from the start.

In other, other news, I'm working on a new music mix!  This time it's Disney Villain Songs.  I don't want to miss any songs, however, so I'm going to list what I have behind the cut, and y'all can peruse and suggest any I'm missing!  ^_^

Pink Elephants On Parade
Maleficent's Theme
We Are Siamese
Cruella DeVille
Poor Unfortunate Souls
The Mob Song
Prince Ali (Reprise)
You're Only Second Rate
Welcome To The Forty Thieves
Are You In Or Out?
Be Prepared
Mine, Mine, Mine
Heffalumps and Woozles
Friends on the Other Side
Oogie Boogie's Song
Shiver My Timbers
Professional Pirate
Snuff out the Light

real life, puck is a bit of an idiot, fandom: disney, music

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