Firefly Fic Recs

Dec 01, 2009 13:48

All are written by Jiolee. <3

Just Business

"Wait, I'm sorry, could you repeat that? It sounded like you just ordered me to help you rob a bank."

Captain Malcolm Reynolds looked down at the apple slice in his hand, then back up at Simon Tam and shook his head. "Well, I don't believe ‘rob' was quite the word I used. We're going to the bank to make a completely legitimate withdrawal. Our employer provided us with a key and everything. Just a simple pick-up and delivery. That's all. Was there anything else you might'a misheard?"

"How about the part where… you ordered me to come?" replied Simon, raising his eyebrows and leaning back in his chair.

The Peace of Marduk

"The sheep are not what they appear to be. They bleat for help when they're stuck in the mud or when they've got their feet twisted up beneath them. So many feet, so many sheep."

The conversations going on around the table fell silent as they turned to stare at River. In the quiet, muted beeping echoed down into the mess from the cockpit. Mal flicked a crouton at Wash. "Hey, you gonna answer that?"

"Huh? Oh, sure." Wash stood up from the table slowly and headed towards the cockpit with several glances back over his shoulder at River.

Mal prodded his lettuce around absently and asked Simon, "You want to tell me what that was all about, Doctor? I don't usually mind when she gets all creepy-like, but that was unusual even for her."

"I have no idea, Captain," Simon said, facing his sister. "River, that was very… uhm, cryptic. What were you trying to say?"

"They're sheep. Sheep in wolf's clothing. Take off grandma's dress, find the wolf inside. They follow a shepherd who's lost his way. Sun at his back, leading them away from home and the sea. They're lost."

Wine Glasses and Wire Cutters

"We've got a job, people."

There was a pause. "Well what is it?" Jayne finally asked around a mouthful of apple.

"We’re being paid to shut down Thethys' main power grid," Mal said matter-of-factly.

"Oh, is that all? Just shut down the power to Persephone's biggest city?" Wash asked insincerely.

"Yes," replied Mal casually. "Anyone else?"

fic recs, fandom: firefly, fanfic

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