Fanfic: Taisha Shanshoku

Nov 11, 2009 23:20

Title: Taisha Shanshoku
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: G/K
Summary: Song torments a Fire Nation sailor
Notes: Katsu and Kawa (the sailor in the fic, unnamed in text) both belong to beckyh2112; I'm just borrowing them. I LOVE YOU BEX

The Fire Nation port was filled with all kinds of fascinating scents. Curious, Song leapt down from Ty Lee's shoulder and padded off into the crowd, ignoring the acrobat calling after her. She'd heard the captain saying it would take a few hours to restock and refuel for the remainder of the voyage, so she would be back in time for the departure.

Fish-smells were everywhere, and Song selected the most familiar one to follow. To her surprise, this scent lead her straight to a tall young Fire sailor. Curious, she prowled around him, noting the orange and black markings on his arms. They looked suspiciously like koi patterns -- and come to think of it, that koi scent she'd followed had come from him?

The Fire sailor was a fish! But too big for her to catch. He was not, however, too big for her to play with. Gleefully, she jumped at his ankle, wrapping her front legs around it and biting at his boot.

The fish-sailor yelped and jumped a mile, drawing the attention of another man in uniform but without rankings. The other man wandered over to see what was up, and the fish-sailor stammered, "C-cat."

The other man looked down at Song. "...Yep."

"CAT!" repeated the fish-sailor insistently.

"Mm-hm." The other one tipped what looked like tobacco onto a bit of paper and rolled it up.

Wondering if the fish-sailor tasted like he smelled, Song let go of his ankle and leapt to his shoulder. She licked his cheek and purred loudly - he did taste like koi!

"Help?" the fish-sailor tried.

Instead, the tobacco man lit his roll and put the non-smoking part in his mouth. Curious, Song leapt to his shoulder to investigate the tobacco roll, then sneezed. The smoke was awful! She jumped down and instead went to torment the fish-sailor some more.

"Katsu, can't you do something about her?" the fish-sailor demanded as she twined around his ankles.

"It's a cat," the tobacco man -- Katsu -- pointed out.

Song rose to her hind legs and took hold of the fish-sailor's boot tops, gazing up at him. She licked her chops.


"'re not actually a fish, you know," Katsu pointed out, kneeling down to pet Song.

Now, that was interesting. Was the fish-sailor like her?

"She's not actually a cat either!" he yelped.

And that was not good.

Katsu's caresses didn't falter, however, and Song purred even as the fish-sailor glowered down at her. "Aren't you a pretty lady?" Katsu asked.

She was indeed, and was pleased he'd noted thus. Purring louder, she turned and rubbed her face against his fingers. She was more than happy to keep her attention on him -- at least until the fish-sailor tried to sneak away. She bounded after him, leaping to his shoulder one last time to lick him again, and then heading off into the crowd with his yelp of displeasure following her.

That had been fun.

fandom: avatar, fanfic, au: basttal, character: song, original characters

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