I am utterly fuckin' brilliant.

Oct 16, 2009 12:10

For those of you not in the know, I am a certifiable genius.

So much so that yesterday at work, just before the last group of people passed through my maze...

I managed to freaking IMPALE my hand.

Before y'all panic, I'm fine; it was just a minor puncture wound that didn't go deep.  At the most I lost a teaspoon, or even half a teaspoon of blood.  Not that much, considering.  It got washed out, perxoided, and gauzed, and will continue to be washed and bandaided and watched.  And in all honesty, I've had more red liquid pooled in my hand from a leaky pen.  (And let me tell you, I scared the fuck out of my Algebra II teacher with that stunt.  Never ever approach a teacher with a puddle of red ink in your hand.)

As of right now, the wound is scabbed over and I have a bit of lovely bruising around it.  So all is well in the land of Puck.  Save for my utter humiliation.  WOO.

puck is a bit of an idiot, stupid body

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