Yeah, I was bored so I wrote this for
beckyh2112 .
Takes place in the Evil!Zukoverse, about eight years after the comet passes. This makes Zuko 24, Yui 18 or 19, and Jet 25 or so. Hitozi is about four.
The screaming had stopped.
Yui looked up from the little boy she was curled around, wondering if it was safe to come out. He looked back at her with frightened golden eyes, and she gave him a small smile to try and reassure him. In reply, he grabbed hold of her shirt and hid his face in her... well, they did provide a good place to hide.
Gently, she stroked his silky black hair and peered out through the screening bushes at the two men who had caused the devastation.
The fair one, the one who had caused the most damage, was prowling what was left of the camp, searching almost desperately for something. His hair was black like a raven-jay's feathers, and his face bore a horrific scar over his left eye. Even if he hadn't been wearing reds, Yui would have been able to tell he was Fire.
The other man was just as Earth as the first was Fire. His skin was dark with sun and possibly some Water blood, and he held his twin tiger-hook swords like he'd been born with them. As he watched his companion tear the camp apart, he said, "Lee, you're kind of crazy now. Moreso than last time, I mean."
The Fire man turned to glare, and said something Yui didn't catch.
"That's nice, Lee," replied the Earth man.
The Fire man snarled and moved past him, closer to Yui and her young charge than the girl liked. Something about him was familiar, almost frighteningly so -- or maybe that was just the way he was holding those swords, still dripping blood. When he passed too close to her, she turned her face from the bushes and held the little boy tighter against her.
His footsteps moved away, however, and she peeked out once more in time to catcha glimpse of his profile.
Yui froze, and looked down at the little boy in her arms. No...
The Fire man was clearly growing more and more frustrated. If she waited too long, she might join the other bodies strewn about the clearing. Terrified, Yui gently shifted the boy behind her, just in case she was wrong, and stood. "Um... excuse me?"
The Earth man's head whipped around, and a huge grin spread across his face. "Hey, Lee! Cute girl!"
Cute? Cute? She was beautiful. Stupid Earth--
The Fire man had turned to her. "What?" he asked, his voice deadly.
Yui nearly lost her nerve, but for the sake of the little boy clinging to her legs, she had to speak. "A-are you loking for your s-son?"
Silently she cursed the tremor in her voice as 'Lee' snarled, "Yes."
She gulped, and then carefully moved out of the bushes, leading the little boy by one hand. The transformation that came over Lee was astounding.
A smile broke over his face, and he paired then put his swords away in a single sheath. The boy brightened in turn, and he pulled away from Yui to run to his father.
Yui let a small smile cross her face, then she saw how close she was standing to a severed limb and whimpered, turning away.
The Earth man was there, and without a word he drew her into his arms. Grateful for the comfort he provided, the young woman buried her face in his tunic, clinging tightly to him and not-incidentally pressing her breasts against him.
Her pulse quickened when she felt an answering pressure against her hip.
There was a smile in the man's voice when he asked her, "So what brings a pretty little thing like you out here?"
Yui lifted her face from his tunic to smile at him, and shift slightly against his arousal. "I live around here." Technically true, after all.
His expression was partly disbelieving, and partly lascivious. "Uh-huh."
"If we hurry," said Lee unexpectedly, "we can get out of here before the Avatar and the Firelord show up."
Yui startled and almost pulled free of the Earth Man, whose arms tightened around her. "Relax," he said to her softly. "She'll be more interested in Lee than either of us."
She wasn't sure what Firelord Azula would want with Lee, but the Earth Man was right that there wouldn't be any interest in her. Yui was just a peasant, and no bender to command the attention of the Firelord. She relaxed, and wriggled against him.
She could see Lee rolling his eyes as the Earth man's right hand drifted down to get a gentle handful of her rear. Yui raised a sable brow at him. "You don't even know my name."
"Are you going to tell me?" the man countered as Lee walked away from them both.
She smiled sweetly at him, and said, "Yui."
"I'm Jet," he breathed, and kissed her.
Yui slipped out from under Jet's arm with care, and dressed silently. They'd managed to control their libidos long enough to find somewhere a bit more private to satisfy each other; Lee had joined them for supper and then retreated before the flames of passion could reignite.
It had certainly been fun, but she had to get back to her brother now. Jet would hold no grudge, she was certain; he wasn't the type to settle on a single girl.
She'd thought she was the only one awake, but as she padded by Lee and his son a quiet voice said, "He said it was a brother who earthbent. He never mentioned a sister."
Yui froze, biting back a shout of surprise. If Lee knew about Kouji, then that could only mean --
"You've seen him?" she asked, knowing he would know who she meant. "Where is he?"
Lee's eyes were molten in the firelight, and Yui suppressed a shiver. "Boiling Rock."
Immediately, Yui's mind was filled with plans to find and free her big brother, but she quickly discarded them all. Even with Kouji's help, there was no way the two of them would be able to get Ichiro out.
"Shall I take him any messages?" Lee asked mildly.
After a pause, the young woman replied, "...we're safe. Not in the city. And... we miss him."
Lee nodded and laid his head back down, and Yui stole away from the camp without another word.