Srs Bizness Post

Aug 10, 2009 15:10

On August 5th, 2009, a man named George Sodini walked into a gym during a dance-aerobics class and opened fire.

Three women died; nine more were injured, including the instructor.

Why commit such a crime?

Because, claimed Sodini, because, claims the media, women would not go out with him.

And that phrase right there is what is wrong with so much these days.

"If only a woman had gone out with him," people moan, "then this wouldn't have happened!"

If only she hadn't gone out after dark. (That idiot.)

If only she hadn't dressed in such revealing clothes. (That hussy.)

If only she had been on the pill. (That slut.)

If only she had said "yes". (That prude.)

If only she hadn't flirted with them. (That tease.)

If only she hadn't made him angry. (That fool.)

If only a woman had gone out with him.

If only.

Each one of those sentences puts the blame squarely on the woman -- after all, it couldn't be the man's fault. She was so pretty, so nice, so interested, he just couldn't help himself. He's just an animal, following the cry of his penis to rut with the desirable woman. Only then can he really be considered a man, a real man.

If only.

real life, feminism, serious business

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