Lightning At Sea fic

Jul 03, 2009 01:38

Title: Sapling
Characters: Hakoda, Song
Rating: Hard R/Borderline NC-17
Summary: After being rejected by some village women, Hakoda finds himself propositioned by a young doctor's apprentice...
Warning: Underage sex (Song is about fourteen).

He is amused by and plays along with the flirting of the doctor's apprentice, but he means none of it because she is so young, maybe the same age as his son.  She's a remarkable little thing -- it is obvious that she know who he is, and fears him, but when he reaches out to caress the side of her face, she holds herself still, not even the slightest tremble to betray her.  He laughs then, and calls her "little sapling" to tease her.

He is less than amused when she begins to drop hints that she is pure, untouched by any man, and subtly offers herself to him.  He is not in the habit of corrupting children, and on the whole he prefers a more experienced woman.  He is about to tell her so, and send her home to her mama, when he sees the look in her brown eyes.

She knows full well what she is doing, and she is afraid.

Why offer herself, then?  Why flirt with him from the start?  And then he remembers that before she came to him, he had been turned down by other women of this village -- and that some years ago the Water Tribes had brutally quelled an uprising here.  She means to protect her home and those women by offering the spurned Southern Chief her greatest treasure, he realises.  And even if he turns her down, she'll likely offer herself to another man at another time -- perhaps to a Fire savage, who would have neither the control nor the restraint he had.

His little sapling would be burned, or even broken, and that would be an unimaginable crime.  Far better that he accept the gift she freely offered, and teach her something of lovemaking in the doing to better prepare her for similar acts.  That decided, he lets her take him by the hand and lead him to her home, to her bedroom, where it is obvious she has no idea how to proceed.

That is the problem with doctors and their apprentices: they know only the clinical and criminal forms of the act and not the joys behind it.  He takes over, cupping her chin in his hand and kissing her tenderly, until she relaxes into the kiss and even kisses him back.  Even while they're still clothed, he can teach her much -- there are many forms of kissing, or even holding one's lover.

When he feels she's ready, he gently begins to undress her, and to let her undress him.  More than once she pauses, near to losing her nerve, and he stops in response, just holding her until she's ready to continue.  This will only work for both of them if she consents, and Hakoda has never found pleasure or power in forcing an unwilling girl.

It isn't until he's tugging her pantaloons gently down that he discovers what is probably a large part of her fear: the dead black skin of a frostbite scar, all up and down her leg in a lattice pattern that indicates whoever did this to her took particular time and care.

A waterbending master.

He hears her quick intake of breath, as if she fears he'll somehow find her undesireable because of this violation of her person.  To soothe her, he gently traces one fingertip over the scars before sliding his hand around her calf and pressing soft kisses to them from ankle to thigh.

Her breath hitches again, but this time it's followed by a soft moan as Hakoda kisses his way up her leg, and then down the other one.  He rises to his knees, wraps his arms around her waist (softly, always softly, never trapping), and trails kisses across her stomach, then up her abdomen until he reaches her breastband.

Gently he undoes the cloth, baring her to his gaze, and he cups her in his hands and watches her shiver under his touch.  He draws his thumbs across her then leans forward to kiss her, and feels triumphant when she meets his kiss.

Hakoda takes care to keep things slow, and when he finally slides into her he does his best to minimise her pain.  He can't help but think again about how young she is, and feels a sort of sorrow that she wasn't able to share her first time with someone she cared for.

But she has made her choice, and Hakoda knows that if he doesn't do this, someone else will, and they might not be so kind as he.  He doesn't want to think of what a Fire savage might do to his little sapling.

Gently, slowly, like the coming of the tide he draws her to the edge and over it, smiling when she cries out and rakes her nails down his back.  He pulls out of her to give her time to recover, stroking her abdomen with a featherlight touch and pressing a kiss to her forehead.  He is still hard, having held back on his own pleasure for her sake, but soon he will teach her how to please a man - Hakoda does not doubt that Song will do this again.

au: lightning at sea, character: hakoda, alternate universes, character: song

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