Dec 23, 2019 18:31
Not a good day today. Woke up with my LEFT shoulder/neck hurting with nerve pain; that's a new one. It did not feel like that when I went to sleep, so apparently I managed to hurt myself in my sleep. Then when I reached my left arm out and twisted my wrist around to turn an awkward lamp on, my shoulder blade did... something. Not sure what it was but it hurt like hell for a while.
Made the dough for three kinds of cookies, and that exhausted me. My upper back and shoulders are just on fire with pain. A shower helped tremendously, but I'm still longing for horizontalness. Then to end the day on a ludicrous note, I was opening an envelop and managed to get a paper cut that wraped around TWO fingers. For my next act, I will hurt myself on air molecules.
Hope tomorrow is better. I need to roll out and cut two kinds of cookies and do the third with the cookie press. My shoulders had best cooperate.