Jun 15, 2014 17:58
Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened, by Allie Brosh. Touchstone, 2013
I first discovered Allie Brosh when someone sent me a link to her Improved Pain Chart (which I feel needs to be in every doctor’s office and emergency room) and spent the rest of that evening going through all the back entries of her blog. She has a lot of the same issues I do, and having them taken on with such humor (in both writing and drawings) had me both nodding in agreement and howling at the same time.
This book -same name as her blog- is a compendium of mostly new, but some old, work. It includes her two part essay on depression, which hit her right after she signed the book deal. Depression isn’t funny, but the essays are- and they are really quite good at explaining what depression is like. It’s not all about mental quirks, of course. There are episodes about her dogs (who have to be the stupidest and strangest dogs in the universe), and her run in with a cake, a robot parrot that says ‘Poop’ repeatedly, and lots of other things. If you need a laugh, go and read this book.