I've been donig a reasonable amount of scientific illustration work, as always it's a little frustrating 'caus I can't share it (as the copyright belongs to the client), and as it is for academic purposes, it can be months before the paper it's in gets published. Happily, one of my clients agreed to let me share this version of the graphic, as the publisher ultimately required a black and white alternare version. So, um, this is what I've been doing a lot of.
Rainbow Phylogeny by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Also, here's some other arts...
Blight by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Gaze by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Nied by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Whatsup by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Errexar by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Adequate Man by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantARTJanitor by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Molina by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Really? by
muffin-wrangler on