Word of the day: Numbember. A typo that shall live on in its glory as a descriptor for when you're so tired, you're dumb.
Hmm, back from the conference and full of news and yet again I take ages to update this! Middle-aged me is likely going to be rather unimpressed when trying to remember young adulthood things.
Needless to say, I took a million photos. Rather than spam everyone with shots intended to give my parents a feeling of what the place was like (they travel vicariously through me), here's the four best artistically speaking.
Shyness (Singapore 1 of 4) by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Sparkle (Singapore 2 of 4) by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Insensate (Singapore 3 of 4) by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Jutter (Singapore 4 of 4) by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Whilst it is great to be back, I'm almost steamrolled by the vast array of things I should have already done by now. The continual feeling of being desperately behind never leaves. But, neither does the excitement of discovering stuff! Oh, such a balancing act.
I've spent some of yesterday working on organising the AMPC 2014 conference, which I'm organising alongside Prof Michael Smithson, and my officemate, Yiyun Shou. I comped last-minute abstracts, and updated
the conference website. Seems like doctors and professors have the same habit as undergrads; submitting things on the due date, rather than before it! Still, after a slightly nerve-wracking wait, it's gratifying to know the conference will have a nice full program (around thirty seven speakers).
Then I spent about four hours on the crudawful task of updating my CV. Not only is it a protracted process 'caus things are easily forgotten (and it can be months between doing a scientific illustration, and actually seeing it published, at which point the client may or may not tell me it's been published), but it goes against the grain to be so... bombastic? ... It's basically a multi-page proclaimation of how awesome I am, which isn't something I'd generally produce by choice. Also a depressing reminder that, despite my best efforts, I've still only got one paper to my name... Anyhoo, I'm just waiting for the OK from my supervisor (who might recall extra things), then I'll have it online to share.
Other miscellany yesterday included a massive amount of overdue housework, writing a formal report about the GYSS conference and sending it to all and sundry, and baking a diabetic-friendly cake for my Mum's birthday tomorrow.
On my one day off, while recovering from jetlag, I did whoosh through a bit of art... Here's the stuff I've done since my last update.
Vanny's Team by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Landscape 1 by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Twelvesheet by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART 'Dis Kerbal got to parteh! by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Desolation by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Demon Headmaster V2 by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Running Late by
muffin-wrangler on
deviantART Body types study by
muffin-wrangler on