Mixed up

Apr 07, 2009 00:07

These last few days have been wierd. I've felt as though everything is out of place and don't know how to put things into place. On friday, after feeling relieved that I made it to Spring Break, it turned out I had English tutoring for my AP tests (but I got to buy a cold coffee and see my crush so it was okay).

Saturday: The Christian Club / Middle Eastern Club Car Wash Fundraiser

Everything was chaos at first. We were all drag supplies to the school and posting arrows and signs out in front of the school. At the last minute I called my friend to ask if she had windex and we both freaked out. Then we both brought windex. Then when we all arrived, I asked where the soap was, and she pulled out a small bottle of dish soap. It was sad. I mean, she's more "well off" than I am and doesn't know what car soap is.  After about an hour of waiting and shouting for cars to show up, customers showed up in a fury and after we washed them, they even gave tips. One thing that pissed me off so much that ruined my day was a little old lady honking at me. I was on the street taking the signs down because our car wash was 5 mins. from being over, and a old lady honks at me waves hear finger ( in that admonishing "no-no" signal) as though I was stealing the sign. It pissed me off! It's a damn cardboard sign first of all. And second, that bitch jumped to conclusions either because: a) my race is a minority and she assumed I must be up to no good (even though I work at the fucking car wash)  or b) she assumed that a young looking teen that pulling down a sign off the street is up to no good because most old people assume the younger generation is evil.  Despite the fact that the advisor bought everyone lunch, that lady screwed my day.

Sunday: I went on a mini shopping spree with my mom with the gift cards I'd saved from Christams. I got a watch (for timing the SAT), a pink and black backpack (for next year), bright yellow shoes (for spring colored shoes) and a strawberry pink and black night gown. Then we went grocery shopping.

Monday: And then there's today. It was burning! I had to go to a resume workshop (which felt more like a reunion unfortunately). There was a large turn out of people who were my old classmates and peers. I hate being around being around most of them. It makes me feel even more like I haven't grown. And feeling even more as though I can't talk to guys. I get self-conscious and nervous that I'll say something stupid. But I was able to talk to my crush for a little while. One of the few guys who doesn't act like a dipshit or that he's all that.

After that pointless meeting I came home, passed out on my bed, woke up a few hours later (completely out of it) and played Sims2 seasons. Then I finally got to watching my season boxset I bought: Fullmetal Alchemist. Anime doesn't get any finer than that. I got to see Ed Elric once again go on a quest that usually leads to devistation, just like the old days when I used to watch in when I shared a room with my brother (and had to make sure he was asleep so he wouldn't watch it).
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