Series Title: Colliding with Reality
Title: The First Time Ever I...
dark_orionPairing: Kradam
Rating: G, for this part, but as a heads up, the 4b part? Gonna be NC-17 all the way
Summary: That they’d met and connected on their own, so quickly, so deeply, is more proof of a benevolent God than any sermon of fire and brimstone, any hymn of blind
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Comments 19
<3's u.
I loved this! The first meeting memory was just fantastic. I can't wait to read more! :D
It still makes Kris’ chest feel a little tight, makes his heart pound a little harder, that he and Adam hadn’t needed Matt’s well-meaning interference to find one another. That they’d met and connected on their own, so quickly, so deeply, is more proof of a benevolent God than any sermon of fire and brimstone, any hymn of blind acceptance, any Bible verse, no matter how emphatically highlighted.
Beautiful. <3
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