Title: Colliding with Reality
dark_orionPairing: Kradam
Rating: G
Summary: “I’m fine,” he says, dragging his hand from his eyes and shifting his hand in Adam’s grip to expose the polish on his thumbnail, “Katy just isn’t too thrilled with the…new direction my sense of fashion is taking.”
Author's Note: This came about because of
these posts which
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Comments 45
I also think a sequel is an awesome idea, preferably one where Adam gets to express his predatory urges some more.
And yeah, you're totally right. Heartless fits this so well.
I loved how realistic this was, like how the conflict between Kris and Katy was connected to much graver and larger themes, and there was actually a believable backstory to the underlying conflict.
I also liked the characterisation of Kris and Adam, especially Kris (though that might be because this was mainly from his POV). What made this story stand out was Kris' level of maturity and self-awareness regarding his sexuality. It lends a certain amount of depth to his character - I'm glad he isn't the repressed/wholly innocent Christian or small-town boy that some other stories make him out to be. That he has considered these facets of himself, and come to certain conclusions about his life/decisions - I like this complexity to your Kris.
Adam was suitably supportive and eep!hot too - “But you’ve got to be certain. Because once I’ve gotten to have you, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to want to let you go.” YUM, would love to see how that goes. xD
You've satisfied the urge that drove me to LJ this morning after nearly squeeing out loud in a room of friends last night.
Oh, and I think your opening quote about truth and a good story is from Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain).
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