Title: Souvenirs You Never Lose
dark_orionRating: G
Summary: Sometimes Michael wishes that David had died in the accident.
Warnings, Disclaimer, etc: Yo, lawyer type people! TOTALLY NOT MINE. Also, I've done bad things to David. I know, I know, I'm awful.
Authors Notes: Now for the polar opposite to my other entry!
To the fic! )
Oh my gosh...so heartbreaking ;_;
"The deciding factor had been David himself. Michael’s face had been the first he’d seen upon waking from surgery, and ever since, David had grown-“unreasonably,” the doctors had said-attached to Michael, becoming distressed when the older man was out of his eyesight."
--- Gave a sad smile when I reached this part. Glad that it was Michael there; glad it was him David first saw. Their connection is still there, even after everything ;_;
"…because even now, David is drawn to the beauty of the instruments, their potential for transcendent sound."
--- Gorgeous tidbit...that David still adores music. I think I'd have cried even more if he didn't have that still. Transcendent sound indeed♥
"David grabs Michael’s hand over the strings, moving it up and down, mimicking the strumming motion. Working his mouth a few times, as if trying to settle on the word, David then says, “Pretty.”"
--- Oh god, just teared up again...the simplicity and beauty of this moment just ripped at my heart.
"Just like he does every day, Michael says to David, “I love you,” and just like he does every day, David smiles his still familiar goofy smile.
And just like he does every day, Michael allows himself to pretend that David understands."
--- *runs for tissues* My god, Dark_orion, this was gorgeous! Fantastic fic!
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