Following my
minor skate calamity about a month ago, I hit up the brick-n-mortar chains for new wheels. My mind was thinking replacement wheels only, but my heart latched onto a desire for new skates, and, given the big sale in progress, urged my mind to do the math. It did, and I walked out with a set of
K2 Moto-M blades. This is my 4th set of blades and 3rd set of K2's.
The verdict? It's true love. 10 minutes into my inaugural run, the skates felt like a comfy pair of well-broken-in hikers. For the first time, I had a set of skates where concentration and effort on skating mechanics faded to the background and my mind roamed free. At that point, the muse squealed and said "Cool. I don't have to be banished from these runs anymore. Let's have some real fun."
Thanks, K2.