Oct 09, 2011 20:08
Planted some toad flax. I've wanted to try out this annual for a few years. It's the common name for linaria maroccana, and the variety I planted has the somewhat twee name 'fairy bouquet'. Also put in some viola 'blackberry sorbet' and a smattering of scarlet flax (leftovers of the dried plants from the summer). Not an expensive investment--the linaria and violas set me back about six bucks. Of course, the linarias may come to nothing--seeds that tiny are never reliable for me. Also spent some time mowing the lawn and trimmed back some of the flowering stalks of the wild iris in the front--everything looks much tidier as a result. But this was a lot of activity for someone who is only marginally healthy--this cold is tenacious. Over a week and a half later, it's still pulling me down. I keep saying I'm on the rebound, though, and I think it's probably true.