Nov 20, 2004 00:18
Hey, hey, hey.
So today was an alright day, nothing to exciting. Went to school, had a test in math which was rather disconcerting, but hey, I did what I could and I'll just hope for the best. That was really the only notable part of my school day. Ohh, except in gym, while playing badmitton I went to grab the birdy out of the air cause we had done something wrong and Elle, unaware of what I was going to do, went to hit the birdy at the same time and wailed me in the back of the hand and made my middle finger knuckle swell up like a motherfucker, haha. It hurt quite a bit, actually.
Afterschool I came home and ate some celery and took a nap for about 2 hours. It was nice. Then at 6 ish Barrie arrived to pick me up to transport me to the commons, because my dad couldn't get out of work in time. So I got down there and finally got in to Beyond the Wall and I found what I needed to for my brother, so all in all it was a good trip. I was just getting into the used book store as my dad called saying he was coming down the street to pick me up, so oh well, another day.
Tommorrow I'm getting up at 9 30/10ish to go help my dad move all the old filing cabinets, files, tables, desks, etc. from the basement in the house next to my grandma's (which she has owned for a long time and rented out ever since my grandfather stopped having his doctor's office in there, but is now selling) in to her basement. I guess we're gonna work on it for about 3 hours; I'm gonna be dead tired after that. Then at about 3 30 I'm leaving to head up to Binghamton for the A Call to Arms cd release show. That should be pretty stellar.
Yep, anyway, I think I may go try and get some sleep now. Peace out kiddles.
<3- KT xx