AC Report 2009

Jul 09, 2009 08:12

Gosh were to begin.  Once more AC was a blast and always very busy.  It was a real challenge this time as I was already tired from getting ready for the convention.  Luckily with some adrenaline, coffee and five hour energy I was doing just fine.

Dark Mumsy was a real help as always and boy did I need it.  Guess I took on more then normal and had quite the plate when settling down to do homework.  There is just no way I could ever do a large convention with out help.

Funny thing was Michele Light’s Mother came along to help so we had the Dark and Light moms at the show.  How entertaining is that!  My Mum got her badge fro Luve of her character and just loved it.  Good thing to since she forgot her other badges at home.  Perfect timing.

The biggest let down is that I never got to see everyone I wanted to. L  Also the people I did see I did not get to see for very long.  So many people and I barley saw a1/3 the dealers room.  I also wanted to check out artist’s alley.  At least I was able to get a quick peruse of the art show but had too much work to be able to go to the artists reception.  That is just one of the main events that I get a chance to socialize with some of the others artists and fans.  I love large conventions but it makes it a real challenge to do and see everything.

Lots of wonderful art in the art show as always and even managed to win a couple of pieces. :D  Really wanted to get some sketches or badges but since I could not get around to see the artists that ended up failing.  Sigh…… hopefully next time.

The few artists I did get to see were Miss Monster, Ursula, Shinigami, TaniDaReal, Kacey, Kaemantis, Savanahrocks, Nambroth, Magock, Marci, Michele, Heather, Blotch, Sara, Hannah, Vantid, Ec Major, Ahkahna, Susan, Roz, Paul, Lobanorth, Synnabar, Xianjaguar and so many many more.  But sadly there were so many more I did not get to see or chat with longer!  I apologize for any I missed.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello!  I hope everyone had a chance to see me as I know I was a bit in and out every day.  Also thanks to all those who helped me out and gave me food!  It means a lot even if it’s just a cookie! :D  Thanks to the staff for everything you guys rock!

Once again it was the homework room all night every night as a bunch of us artists worked the away doing sketches and badges.  It seemed the only time I got to spend time with many of the artists and I’m always thankful for it.  It seems no matter who is there during most the night it always ends up being Diana and I left until 5 in the morning.

Haa Haa haa yes we are crazy but then we are also artists.

Farin was kind enough to bring me some root beer to try since last time real beer was not such a good idea when working. ;)  Alcohol and late night sketches equals need for sleep.  Who has time for sleep.

I think I’m becoming a drug dealer with the 5 hour energy, always passing it on to fellow artist friends.  “Here you gotta try this it’s the best stuff around and you don’t get any after crash”.  I should have them sponser me or something. J  Gave some to TaniDaReal and Shinigami this time around while we did homework.  Not sure if it helped shin as she seemed to be staring a lot and drawing less.  We joked around about Camp Dark Natasha where artists go to learn the art of never ending work and take more then you can Handel.  I can be such a slave driver not sure anyone would stay.

Lots and lots of cool fur suits and plenty of wonderful new art and artists.  Makes for an exciting convention every year.  Once home I was able to catch up on sleep, now it’s back to work and getting ready for RMFC and Eurofurence!

I missed all those who could not make it to AC this year and hope to see you all next year.

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