Stole this from
twirlingleaves, even though I wasn't tagged. =P
Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
Watch and Learn - Lead; Akira/Keifu; PG. This was the first fic I ever wrote that dealt with real life people. Mostly before I'd stuck to anime fandoms. It was also one of the first shounen-ai fics I'd ever written. I used to stick to het fics because when I was younger they were easier to write, but as I got more and more into boyxboy stuff I just got more into writing that type of stuff. So, I guess this was a stepping stone in my fic-writing. And, AkiFu was like, my first ever official OTP. ♥ I also like this because part of me always wanted something like that to happen to me. xD;;
In The Beginning - Nobuta wo Produce; Shuji/Akira; G. Shuji and Akira have always been one of my favoritest pairings to write for (right up there with Ryu and Hayato from G2). I also like the style and repetitiveness I used in this one. And it has no dialogue, which is a first for me. >_>;;
First Kiss - Gokusen 2; Ryu/Hayato; G. I don't know, I've always liked the thought of Ryu and Hayato as kids. Younger kids and their thoughts about crushes just are so easy for me to write about, for some reason. And I liked how I was able to express that even at that age they already knew that they were meant for each other. xD;;
Shuji to Akira - Nobuta wo Produce; Shuji/Akira; Varies. This was the first time I'd ever written for a
1sentence claim, and so I had to go with the pairing easiest for me to write at the time. (This was just after I'd finished watching Nobuta wo Produce, so the personalities of the characters were still very fresh in my mind.) Some of the sentences just crack me up when I go and reread them and sometimes I have to think "wow, was that really me who wrote that?" because it's a little bit difficult for me to write things that would make others laugh (because sometimes things I write don't make sense to other people). My personal favorites are 27 [blood], 37 [technology], and 41 [completion]. ♥
Through the Eyes of K3 (full story unpublicized, the link will take you to select lines from it though) - K3 Universe; Kazuo/Koichi; R. This was my NaNo story for '06. =) I never made it public because as much as I loved it, it still needed work. >_> (It is as of yet unfinished, but eventually I'll find time to get it done.) I love my boys so much, they all have a bit of me in their personalities, as well as people I know, plus their own. This story really surprised me because of how easy it was for me to get inside their heads and write from their point of view (I hardly ever write in first-person POV). It was supposed to be like a journal-style of sorts, and it switched from each boy's side (Keita, Kazuo, and Koichi, hence K3) and they would each tell a bit of what was happening as the story progressed. These are my characters for once. I love having characters of my own. ♥ And I love being able to let Kazuo say my favorite cuss word all the time. =) and everyone! =D