Pixel Town - BaCC - Week 4

Sep 13, 2014 17:07

Another updated of Pixel Town, brought to you by courtesy of... WTF! I got time off! :).

The Williams Family

Ethel Williams is the town rebel, which easy when the town is made of a few dozen people. She have a tendency to sneak out when it would be just as easy to ask for permission to go out.

Not that her parents notice her absence.

Well that is until Ethel and  sneak into the wrong place and get caught.

Although she didn't really get into trouble at home. She had live with the shame of being scorted home by police officer.

Cara in the other hand spends time entertaining her little brother Dave.

He has seem to develop quite a fondness for ballet and dancing.

Meanwhile Nilda is quite pleased with how her family has turn out, despite the rough beginning, the had a home and they were mostly happy.

Besides she at last was making progress in her career and her children were old enough not need to be surpervise 24/7

Still it didn't matter how many precautions she and Maik took, she continue to get pregnant

And it wasn't a surprise when in turn out to be twins. Again.

Billy and Keir.
Their arrival was just another adjusment for the family.

The Franck Family

Little Alexia was always full of enery, running and crawling around her home.

Between work and taking care of her little energizer toddler Dor barely had anytime for herself, even though John would deal with most of the household chores and made sure that there was food on the table.

But John keep spending a unbelivable amonut of time in his garden and outdoors.

So much time, that he was changing into plantlife.

Not that his daughter care what color he was and the fact that he now need a lot more sunlight.

His wife didn't seem to mind either.

Still requiring photosynthesis to survive took some getting used, and he started to passout often.

Which worried Dor to no end.

Some nigths she would stand watch until sunrise to make sure he was alright.

John promised to take better care of his new needs to not cause her such heartache.

After discussing it with Dor, Fennel decided that now that her niece was growing older it was time she had a long talk.
After all who else could explain Alexia about her latent magic abilities.

Meanwhile Alexia's parents were expecting another child.

The Dewar Family

At the Dewar's home it was time for the girls Ami and Maya to leave the nest.

Afterall they had dreams they wanted to pursue.

Copy and Notwhistanding continue to inyect life to the comercial sector at their little town.

This time by opening a recreation center of sorts.

Notwhistanding figure he was fit enough to help people train.

While Copy was never a natural athlete, Rosa their youngest was.
So the couple figure given her and the rest of the community a place to train was the right thing to do.

After her little incident while reparing a computer Rosa continue to show some unforseen symptoms...

Young Stuart Stapler try to get Rosa's attention through any means available.

She thought he was a nice guy and all, but not really her type.

The house was quite lonely after their eldest had left and Notwhistanding found himself missing the meal time chatter.

At times Rosa wondered about her other family, and Copy did her best to explain that perhabs getting to know them was unwise.

Rosa wasn't to keen on learning the ropes of a business.

While Maya and Ami glady keep a part time job at their parents market so they could afford living outside the family home.

Rosa was more into fitness and health

When there was moonlight a few hours before sunrise Grandpa would lurk around looking for trouble.

Fennel Franck

Fennel had opted to move out of the home she had share with her brother since they arrive to the little town. That he would get a family of  his own was never thought that cross Fennels mind. It was of course understandable to want romance and children.

But besides the little liason she sustain with Mr. Lass she didn't care much for such wants.

Brent Lass was nice and sweet.

And a little part of her could feel that maybe she had taken the matters of the heart to lightly.

Still she wasn't sure if she wanted to follow her brothers example and share her life with someone else.

It didn't matter how much she enjoy the nights he spent with her.

He didn't even manage her to accept that they were in actual formal relationship.

Even when he spent everyother night at her bed.

To the point that Fennel had to concide in the name of being practical that he should just move in.

The Dewar Sisters

Next door a pair sibling had move in.

Ami and Maya Dewar had rented a small house with two rooms a bathroom in one of the few developments that had been complete before the investors had run from the hills.

They had to get use to meals being more scarse and less fullfilling. But they wanted to be independent.

They befriend Fennel their next door neighbor, who gave them a few tips about living on your own for the first time. Still the girls had it easier, they had jobs and wealthy parents who would were completly willing to pitch in if they ever got into trouble.

At least the growing town now had their very own fire deparment.

Maya consider that perhabs learning gather her own ingredients and learning how to do entire meals from scratch was teh best way to prepare herself and her sister for their career path of choice.

But things weren't as easy as she had hoped.

At least Ami had gotten a job a local food place, as waitress mostly but it has inside the food industry

Of course Ami had also though that being young independent woman be much simpler and glamours not to mention she assumed it would fair better for her love life.

Maya had more realistic views about her future now that she took care full time of the Dewar's Flower and Fruits Market.

To keep so semblance of a social life Ami would go next door to visit often.

pixel_trade, bacc

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