(no subject)

Oct 22, 2006 14:48

Disneyland was fun, more on that later as I am buried under a shit load of homework (including two rather big papers, a reflection, chinese workbook, and studing for a test, all due tmr) as well as a sick fish. Wish me luck!

To Do List:
[x] Reflection for Voting Rights game for Gov
[x] A Lost Lady analysis essay first full draft for Eng
[x] Politics of Everyday Things paper first part draft for Gov
[x] Chinese Workbook
[x] Chinese Character workbook
[x] Study for Understand Emotions test on the brain and amygdala
[x] Read Passions by Wed. for Eng
[x] Focus Questions 9 due Fri. for Understanding Emotions
[x] Idea and rough outline for reasearch paper due Wed. for Eng
[x] Random book reading for Gov

to do list, homework, college, disneyland

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