Jan 04, 2007 08:08
Angie-pooh <.< >.> when you get this..could you email me? I had your email in my email addy book but it's not there anymore so I can't find it/remember it.
I need to talk to you.. not about the usual stuff this time..something else.
If you could semi-asap I'd erm...give you cookies that have Mike's face on them..? lmao. =P
If you don't remember my email it's:
Thanks ^_^
Waiting for the bus this morning with my dad at the middle school (so I don't freeze outside)..we saw a shooting star/meteor burning up. Apparently there's a lot of activity going on this time of year with the meteors in space/in our ozone layer thinger. Or as I like to call them..ROCKS. xD Either it's a lot of activity this one time..or it's always like this..it's really cool. =)
Ok..well..I have nothing better to say. And I'm in a class. So..I gotta go.
So tired. lol.