Feb 06, 2005 14:20
This week is solo and ensemble...X_x Always one of the most stressful band things there are, especially because I'm always better when there's a whole band and not just little me being judged all on my lonesome. I'm such a wuss by myself! Actually though, I think I'll do better this year just because I DON'T have a piano player and don't need one. I always get stressed out with piano players there...they bother me. My brother also has jazz festival on Thursday (and a gig during school time), so I might end up going to jazz fest just for the heck of it and find yet another excuse not to stay home and do nothing. One of the better things going on is the Florida State Fair parade, not looking forward to the parade but I like freeing the (stuffed) animals! hehe I'm always such a sucker for stuffed animals...or stuffed flowers, which seem to be very common in theme parks and fairs now. hmm ... I still need one of those. twisty flower plushies! We'll also be having the usual sectionals and "wind ensemble" practice...so much band stuff to do...
At least the good news is that I've been practicing my solo and such! Lil' Ambie has actually practiced her solo earlier than a day or night ahead of the time she's performing! Now if I could only get a superior and go to state just to gawk at how "cool" and great other people that play musical instruments are compared to all of us poor ZHS kids. ^_^
Hey! The Super Bowl pregame shows are on right now so I can't possibly even consider doing online class work or writing my English paper (either one of the them, probably going for the music one since that takes much less thought for at about 2 in the morning when I finally get around to it.). The Super Bowl is like an unofficial national holiday, most people don't do anything but drink and party so why not be a slacker for once and do NOTHING but watch television for the day? Sounds good to me.
I don't want that Tom Brady fellow and the Patriots to win another super bowl...they annoy me greatly. Go Eagles!
My brother is sick...boo hoo. I'm kinda sore throatish myself, so that's excuse #2 to not do anything.