Amber's blah on AP tests and what I did on mother's day.

May 08, 2005 21:23

I took AP English last week and I'm thinking that I made the three that I need, but probably not more than that. Tomorrow is AP Music theory (which I'm going to bomb) and then I have environmental and government afterwards. I'll pass environmental easily enough, but I don't think that I even have a shot at government considering I haven't opened my review book once yet. So, two credits is good enough for me!

Regardless of my knowing what I'll end up with in regards to the AP tests, they're still making my hair fall out I think. hahaha Either that or all of those chemicals I use on my hair is killing it off again...heh heh The mousse I usually use has disappeared and all of the other brands have not been so nice. So, there's my random blab on how my hair is falling out more than usual. I know you loved it as much as I did.

Hey, I went to the Saigon Bay restaurant with my mom's side of the family today and then went shopping with two of my aunts and my mom. It was fun, but finishing my AP environmental homework afterwards wasn't too much fun considering I had no idea there were eight of them...X_x

I would continue to talk about Guild Wars and how it's been consuming what is usually my read up on LJ and commenting time, but I think most of you have already figured that out by now.
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