Title: Finding A Way
dark_malignity Rating: NC16
Main Characters: Mai, Zuko, Azula
Supporting Characters: Ty Lee, Iroh, the gAang.
Pairing: Mai/Zuko
Pairings:Katara/Aang, Sokka/Suki. Absolutely minute traces of Zuko/Katara if you squint like mad and turn your head sideways.
Warnings: Spoilers to the end of the series. Occasional foul language.(highlight to reveal) Graphic foreplay, dry humping, oral sex, concubinage, implied S/M, relatively graphic birth sequence.
Summary: Zuko wants to get married, but Mai is reluctant because all signs point to a possibility of her being barren. Her rejection hurts and baffles him until she eventually comes clean. Together, they embark on an extensive, five-year search for a solution that would involve everything from concubinage, to ritual superstition, to rediscovering lost fire bending lore.
Snow clung to the mountaintops, but that didn’t affect either of them much. After all, Katara had grown up in a colder environment, and Aang was used to being out in the cold, hovering in a world so far above the ground that the people down below looked as tiny as ants. In the past, his stick-thin limbs provided little insulation against the weather, but for some reason, exposure to the elements had never affected him the way it affected the rest of the gang. Now that he was a man, he felt the cold even less.
“Do you think we should have told him in advance? You know, that we’re coming?” Aang wondered aloud, as they flew over what appeared to be a decrepit Fire Sage temple.
“Nah, Zuko probably knows already,” Katara grinned back, and studied the carvings along the temple walls. “You know, boarder patrol and stuff.”
Aang grinned cheekily, then grew somber and reached out to touch her tummy. The baby bump was hardly discernable beneath her thick overcoat. “Do you think he knows about this?”
Katara blushed in embarrassment, and turned once more to study the retreating architecture. If she squinted just a little, she could just about make out the scenes of children being trained in the art of fire bending. Some of them looked disturbingly similar to the things she had seen in Yugoda’s igloo, and she wondered, for the umpteenth time, whether Fire was truly the opposite of Water, or merely its natural counterpart.
And what if it was a counterpart, rather than an opposite? Wouldn’t that overthrow the theory that water was healing while fire was destruction? Mustn’t there be a small piece of one in the other?
Katara had seen, time and time again, the aggression and spitefulness of a bloodthirsty Fire Nation. But then again, didn’t she herself manifest those traits when she tracked down Yon Rha with every intention of killing him - despite Aang’s best efforts to convince her otherwise? And what about blood bending? It had been so long ago since Hama had forced her to learn that foul art, but Katara still had nightmares about it sometimes.
A small piece of fire within the nature of the water tribe. And maybe a small piece of water within the flames. Maybe… just maybe… buried beneath their years of lost lore, perhaps there was something of their water-bending counterpart within the nature of fire.
Perhaps there was such a thing as fire healing.
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Chapter 1