Jul 28, 2008 09:47
You know . . . I just don't like Sci-fi. I realized that apart from Star Wars I have never like Sci-fi. I watch Star Trek occasionally, but I space out when they go into what I call scientific mumbo-jumbo of the week. "If we reverse the polarity of the particle beam and then retroactively apply it to the deflector array . . ." By that point I'm out cold. This goes for Stargate, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Transformers, etc.
I just simply could not care less.
So why is it that everyone feels it necessary to try to convince me to watch it? And they all say the same thing. "It's a great show. You'll love it." Oh? Will I? And you know this how? Because I, who have been privvy to every thought to ever travel through my skull, and fairly certain that I would not love the show. I'm positive that no matter how "Good" the show is, it would bore me stiff. If I'm going to get into a show I want it to be something I truly enjoy, something I can follow easily. That movie Hackers? Utter rot. Sure Angelina was hot. Sure it had good actors. But I loathe movies about computers, so I happen to dislike that movie. I tell you this: you show me a sci-fi movie that you absolutley love, one that changed your life, and I will promptly fall asleep during it. That's just the way it works.
I don't know what it is about Star Wars that makes me love it so much. The Lightsabers? The Force? The fact that though it is technically "Sci-Fi" it's more a typical epic fantasy? Maybe. But as it stands, that's the only movie with Lazers you're ever likely to see me watch and enjoy.
Just thought you Sci-Fi geeks I know should finally see this in print, so maybe you would STOP TRYING TO GET ME TO WATCH THAT CRAP!