Jan 24, 2008 12:22

Now, I must admit that I was never a huge Heath Ledger fan. I was looking forward to him as the Joker and seeing the Trailer really increased that. I think he was a good actor, and managed to add something to every role he played. But what I am about to follow this with in no way has ANYTHING to do with him portraying perhaps my favorite comic book character of all time. This is not out of bias for Heath Ledger one way or the other. It is, in fact, in bias AGAINST organized religion.

To the shitty Baptist website/church that plans to picket Heath Ledger's funeral for his portayal of a gay man in Brokeback Mountain: GET A FUCKING LIFE!

First off: your scummy religion is supposed to be based on love and brotherhood. Well, if they happen to be a white, heterosexual, well-to-do american anyways. Otherwise if you happen to be black, hispanic, muslim, jewish, or gay you seem to want them to burn in Hell. Well listen up you hatemongers: The only reason there is HATE in this world is because of people like you. I don't care what your ancient, outdated book says. There is nothing wrong with anyone being who and what they are. Stop hiding your bigotry behind a book and let everyone know you're just a damn racist. I don't care what passages you quote to me. I don't care what snazzy bumper stickers you have. I don't care if you personally have a line to the ol' J.C. himself and he says "Queers am BAD!" What I do care about is that you religious assholes foster more hatred than any other group ever. And I include the Nazis in that too. You hide behind the bible and wave it around like it was the ULTIMATE TRUTH FOR ALL THINGS. It isn't. Moreover, theose catchy little quotes you seem so happy with are usually mistranslated from the original texts. Unless you're quoting to me from the original Aramaic I don't give a shit what your King James bible says. In fact, I don't care even if you ARE quoting the original! I DON'T FOLLOW YOUR RELIGION! Keep this shit to yourself.

But hatred alone isn't enough this time, is it? Nooooo. For yet more publicity, you're going to picket the funeral of someone who doesn't even fall into your little hate box. He's not an actual Homosexual, he just played on in a MOVIE! And still you're going to do something morally and ethically hideous to make your highly bigotted point. Even if he was gay it would be just as, if not even more so, wrong. But my point here is this: you think only certain people deserve a funeral? You think that you, not God but YOU, have the right to decide who gets services for their final rest? Who the fuck do you think you are? You honestly believe that what you are doing is ordained by God and he condones your actions? You think that any God based in Love and Brotherhood would ask you to condemn all others not like yourself you arrogant self-centered gnats? You know what? You find your quotes. I bet you that for every one you find that you think condemns others I can find you TWO that contradict your stand. But then, that wouldn't matter, would it? That would not fit into what you WANT to believe as opposed to what you COULD believe.

You COULD believe that all mankind deserves to be judged for who they are as individuals. That all mankind has the capacity to be good as people as well as (insert race, religion, gender, sexual orientation here). You could believe in Love being stronger than Hate, and choose the former over the latter when making decisions. You could believe that all roads lead to God, and so long as a person is doing all they can in life and leading a decent day-to-day existence that they will find their eternal reward.

But that's too much for you isn't it? It's too difficult to take the high road no matter how holier-than-thou you claim to be. I know I am full of rage, but I admit it. I know by most standards and practises I am a Heathen, and I admit that too. But I know, today moreso than any other day I have ever lived through, that I am a purer soul than some out there.

Rest in Peace, Heath. In my own way I pray that your rest is not troubled by nonsense such as this.
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