May 19, 2008 10:47
so yea, not everyone cares for the story twilight, it being cheesy or unrealistic. however, if you have ever experienced such things yourself, you can relate to it. it's not impossible and it does happen. to love someone so much it hurts. it's not healthy, but it does happen. as for other such...well, it's kinda on the same page and not. a friend of mine got to go back to the one she truly cared about. yes, it did make quite a few ppl unhappy (ok, more than unhappy). but, as for myself i'm glad she was able to. in my own story i wasn't given that chance. they were already gone. a voice in my head, that i'm still waiting to go away. as for the unhappy people, i can see why. but, to hold on to being bothered by it, just seems useless to me. feelings are fickle and can only be controled by the person. not others. and being upset about a situation that doesn't involve you...*shrugs* ok, i guess i'm just weird that i'm neutral in that. as lir said, "i love whom i love." you can't change that.
and totally random i dunno why but on the radio yesterdai were all these songs that describe my past life to a tea. weird man 0.o
We'll fast forward to a few years later
And no one knows except the both of us
And I have honored your request for silence
And you've washed your hands clean of this
What part of our history's reinvented and under rug swept?
What part of your memory is selective and tends to forget?
What with this distance it seems so obvious?
it makes me wonder...i want to know how they're doing. talk to them, but some days it's too much of a temptation to fall into "old familar shoes." so i don't. but they're always on my mind. the voice inside my head. not that i'm not happy where i am. i just remember. and i wonder if it's the same for them too.