Apr 03, 2005 20:22
Well Ive been spending this week with my boyfriend Pete which was so cool :) and we just played on the ps2, went onto town, saw other friends it was cool but he had to go back today which I was alittle sad about (god that sounds corny) but hes coming back Friday yay!!
Also I ordered my download ticket yesterday im really excited because download is on my birthday and its a great way to spend a birthday with live bands, being drunk and being with my boyfriend hehe.
At the moment me and my friend Jodie are talking about how anime rules........i know im sad and insane but it does......please dont stare at me blankly lol.
Most of this week I have to babysit so if anyones got any ides how to torture my brother please tell me mwahahahahahaha.......im joking by the way so you can stop the evil thoughts now you little devils.
Anyway thats all i wana say bye bye
Love dark_lil_pixie xxxx